Presented by EA Game Changers
The Sims 4 Island Living comes with four new careers including the part-time Fisherman career. This is just one of three new part-time careers that your Sim can join.
As with any career, your Sim can join the Fisherman career simply by sitting down at a laptop/computer, using their cell phone or by the career tab on the user interface.
Note: Your Sim can have more than one part-time job, providing that the shift times do not conflict with each other.
Like most of the careers in the game, your Sim will go to work and return at the end of their shift. There is also no work from home assignments for this career.
The Fisherman career also comes with three levels that can be found detailed below.
Job Role | Work Days & Shift Times | Hourly Rate | Promotion Tasks | Promotion Bonus |
Goldfish Hunter | Monday to Friday 5am-9am or 9pm-1am | $33 | Reach Level 2 Fishing Skill | |
River Wrangler | Monday to Friday 5am-9am or 9pm-1am | $40 | Reach Level 4 Fishing Skill | Life of Fish (Decoration) |
Deep Sea Fishing Master | Monday to Friday 5am-9am or 9pm-1am | $48 | N/A | Swordfish - Mounted |
The Fishing skill also received an update in the 18th June 2019 PC/Mac patch which added some new features to the skill that you can find listed below. These new additions also enhance the fishing career even more!
Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
- We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
- Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
- Fishing is now joinable.
- Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
- Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
- New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
- New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
- Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
- Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
- Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
- New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
You can find the full patch notes for yesterday’s patch here.
So why not dive into the fishing career with your Sims and see if they can net the rarest fish?
Let us know what you think of the brand new Fisherman career below in the comments.