The Sims 4 Island Living isn’t the only Expansion Pack that will see the light of day in 2019!
You all know how anything revolving voice actors and voice editing is usually a sign of things to come for The Sims 4? It’s been proven many times and helped us speculate and predict Island Living, Vampires Game Pack, Seasons Expansion Pack, Get Famous Expansion Pack and StrangerVille Game Pack. Now, the predictions come first from a job opening on that is looking for a Voice Editor!
The Voice Editor job opening is looking for someone who would help mix and deliver the final quality audio and sounds for The Sims 4’s next Expansion Pack. Yup – you’ve read that correctly. Not a Game Pack, not a Stuff Pack, but an Expansion Pack.
The job opening has a term between July 8th and October 11th. If you think that the listing is referring to The Sims 4 Realm Of Magic Game Pack which is scheduled to release by the end of September this year, that wouldn’t be possible as there would still be some work to do on voice and audio editing by October.
Check out what the job listing has to say:
Location: Redwood Shores, CA
Term: July 8th – October 11th
The Maxis Studio of Electronic Arts is seeking a Voice Editor to join the Audio team and help ship an upcoming expansion pack for The Sims 4.
The ideal candidate should have experience delivering final quality audio either from a brief or starting with placeholder sounds in software. Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work within technical limitations to deliver quality audio are essential. It’s also important that the candidate understands the role of audio in video games; and can create final content to best effect the player experience.
- Must have voice editing experience and have expertise in relevant software packages, such as Logic Audio, Sound Forge, and ProTools.
- Experience with all aspects of voice direction for game production, with proficiencies in voice direction of top professional actors and game implementation pipelines.Proficiency with standard audio tools (DAW, Editing, plugins, etc) and studio tools (microphone, compressors, etc).
- Proficiency with PC and Mac platforms, and comfort with custom tools.
- Experience with Game Production and Design
- A committed ear for the user experience of Voice Performance in detail
- An open mind, willing to challenge conventional wisdom and find creative solutions to our unique problems
- An eye towards innovating audio tech and tools for voice
- You can shift quickly and flexibly from multiple projects and roles
- You are someone who can thrive and grow in a dynamic environment and bring enthusiasm to those around you
Considering that voice recording and editing is one of the last steps in developing a new Sims 4 pack, it’s almost certain that The Sims 4 will be getting its 8th Expansion Pack this year!
The trend of 2 Expansion Packs per year was present in 2015, stopped in 2016 and 2017 and now seems to finally be back with the year 2018 and now 2019!
If the whole expansion pack is horses I would be very disappointed.
Maybe a game or stuff pack could add horses and other animals but not a full expansion.
I’m holding out for a university expansion.
Me too. can’t wait. my kiddos(sims) are ready too. 🙂
For the university pack that is 🙂
I really hope it is!
I really want it to be horses!
This better be university
would be great if it was something like Supernatural like they had in the sims 3, would be epic! 🙂
thats gonna probs be with the new game pack – realms of magic!
realm of magic comes out in september, the job is to october they wouldn’t need to work on it after it’s released. also it say’s that it’s an expansion pack
yes, you‘re prob right
University with bunkbedss!!!!
they are bringing out a magic pack what more do you want? Then you will have witches, fairies and werewolves and you already have merfish and vampires. Done and dusted.
Only witches is included with the magic pack. I was disappointed when I saw the trailer but I’m still putting it into my student loan budget lol
Sounds about right this time. Its major coming out so near to Christmas. What else could it be? The rest is all twiddly bits.
That’s what I want!!!!
Hopefully a school pack, where sims can go to university / college or get homeschooled
THIS!! I’d prefer this over an university pack, or maybe an university EP and a GP for the other schools (all in one, not all separated)
Maybe it could also make it so you can follow children and teen to school because idk about anyone else but i would love to see that.
I am hoping for a University expansion again!
“Help ship an upcoming EP” – Why do I feel like this is gunna be like pirates or some sort of nautical themed EP?
please be any kind of expansion pack … just have spiral staircase in it
i feel like that should be added to base game. like they added lounge chairs and stilts.
Please fix your bugs please
Horses and farm animals please
Hi, I was wondering about this line:
“If you think that the listing is referring to The Sims 4 Realm Of Magic Game Pack which is scheduled to release by the end of September this year…”
When was this confirmed? I thought all that was said was “coming this fall.”
Thank you for answering!
They said the game pack would release within 6 months a few months ago… meaning by September at the latest!
April 6th, right?
So October 6th would be the six-month point, which would make a late September release likely. I see.
@Jovan, was this what you meant?
The Realm of Magic Game Pack should release by the end of September according to the 6-month plan they’ve released in April. There’s no way this Voice Editor listing is referring to that pack considering that the pack would still be in development around October.
Supernatural or university expansion would be nice.
It would be pretty epic to have a ranch hand stuff pack where hirses are part of it. But I definitely want were wolves, fae and witches back. 🙁
I do not get the obsession you guys all have with such small things. I want big and beautiful packs not frikken horses. University the way they can and should do it would be a great pack for us to play with. We are getting so much this year why cant we all be grateful and stop whinging about … horses and witches. “Sigh”. Don’t any of want something new and exciting instead of rehashing the same packs for the FOURTH time?
Island Living was awful, strangerville was a joke, a oneday DLC, if you are happy with that, that’s nice for you and it shows that you are not waiting for cool things but just waitings for poor contents.
On the contrary ! To wish a “University” extension is not at all mediocre, it is a game play so big and super! Island living is no longer a travel destination but new game play has been added, however StangerVille was totally useless, yes … But you all want horses, witches … STOP! A pack on magic will come out by September-October and the hair will not come out alone think and one extension for horses would be stupid! You did not understand Ethan’s message. But a University extension would be excellent and not horses that would give very little game play. Especially since Ethan never said that Island Living and Strangerville was good so your answer is off topic … So good to say that the hair is nice content and not mediocre … * I choke of stupidity *
Yes you ckoke of your own stupidity better go see a doctor. A real full expension pack of horses could be a lot of gameplay, seems like you stupid person just have no clue what horses are about but i don’t think the sims creators have either and they wouldn’t take so much effort anyway.
Besides there have been university games before it wouldn’t be entirely new also!
There are different tastes some like horses some rather like to play university – accept it!
But you have to think about a demographic to which EA is trying to appeal. More people would be on board with university expansion that a horse one. It just doesn’t make sense to waste resources if fewer people are doing to buy your product.
Maybe there is more content to explore with horses than with university, but there is definitely more money waiting with the latter.
Please be University. We need something for teens and children.
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Yeah, that was a no-brainer after last year’s release schedule.
I just want horses so I can finally be at peace
The Sims 4 Country Life. New mechanic: Farming, bee keeping, cheesemaking and winemaking. New Pets: horses, unicorns, sheep, cattle, llamas, chickens, ducks. New careers: farmer, cowboy/cowgirl, agri-scientist, botanist, culinary chef, athlete. New life-state: Plant-Sim, Harvest God. New world: SimTexas
Love this……. entirely new! There has never been a sims country life before!!! I vote for this!!! University on the other sims were BORING!!!
Oh my gosh.. Imagine a freaking amusement park!!
I hope it’s a university with owned cars with Sims 3 driving animation
How do you find those jobs for the Sims please.
would be great if it was something like Supernatural like they had in the sims 3, would be epic! 🙂
they are bringing out a magic pack what more do you want? Then you will have witches, fairies and werewolves and you already have merfish and vampires. Done and dusted.
Only witches is included with the magic pack. I was disappointed when I saw the trailer but I’m still putting it into my student loan budget lol
Please fix your bugs please
It would be pretty epic to have a ranch hand stuff pack where hirses are part of it. But I definitely want were wolves, fae and witches back. 🙁
Oh my gosh.. Imagine a freaking amusement park!!
Yeah, that was a no-brainer after last year’s release schedule.
I just want horses so I can finally be at peace
The Sims 4 Country Life. New mechanic: Farming, bee keeping, cheesemaking and winemaking. New Pets: horses, unicorns, sheep, cattle, llamas, chickens, ducks. New careers: farmer, cowboy/cowgirl, agri-scientist, botanist, culinary chef, athlete. New life-state: Plant-Sim, Harvest God. New world: SimTexas
I hope it’s a university with owned cars with Sims 3 driving animation
Hopefully a school pack, where sims can go to university / college or get homeschooled
THIS!! I’d prefer this over an university pack, or maybe an university EP and a GP for the other schools (all in one, not all separated)
Maybe it could also make it so you can follow children and teen to school because idk about anyone else but i would love to see that.
That’s what I want!!!!
Sounds about right this time. Its major coming out so near to Christmas. What else could it be? The rest is all twiddly bits.
Horses and farm animals please
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Supernatural or university expansion would be nice.
Hi, I was wondering about this line:
“If you think that the listing is referring to The Sims 4 Realm Of Magic Game Pack which is scheduled to release by the end of September this year…”
When was this confirmed? I thought all that was said was “coming this fall.”
Thank you for answering!
Please be University. We need something for teens and children.
I do not get the obsession you guys all have with such small things. I want big and beautiful packs not frikken horses. University the way they can and should do it would be a great pack for us to play with. We are getting so much this year why cant we all be grateful and stop whinging about … horses and witches. “Sigh”. Don’t any of want something new and exciting instead of rehashing the same packs for the FOURTH time?
How do you find those jobs for the Sims please.