The Community Opinon

Share Your Ideas: Custom Content & Patreon Discussion


Sul Sul Simmers,

It’s Simanoid here!

I am so happy and excited to be a part of the Sims Community team and quite honestly I am overwhelmed too. I have various different topics and ideas that I would love to write about and share with you guys, however, I would like to know what you would like to see.

Like many, I am really into my custom content, so if you would like me to showcase some of my personal favorite creators, I’d be happy to do that – maxis match or alpha! I will keep you updated on new cc from your favorite creators and let you know what to expect.

Patreon Discussion

We all know there are many creators using Patreon which results in cc being released only publically after 21 days.

This can be frustrating if you cannot afford to become a Patron for all your favorite creators, this is something I personally cannot afford as well. Then, most of the time we forget about the content we are waiting for and it just becomes really difficult to keep up with.

I want to help you guys who may have the same struggle. So reply in the comments. Let me know your favorite creators and Patreon creators so I can give you monthly updates and help you make sure you never miss out.

Also, don’t forget to tell me about what you would like to see from me; whether it is about cc, mods, technical issues, bugs, glitches, issues, photo editing, simblrs, simstagrams, anything! Suggestions always welcome!

If you want to talk about your ideas and suggestions privately, my social media handles are open!

Send me a DM on Instagram or anonymous ask on Tumblr. Whichever way suits you.

I look forward to hearing from you all!

– Simanoid xo

About the author


Sul Sul, I am Cay, aka Simanoid. I’m a 24 year old aspiring music artist who has been obsessed with Sims since the first installment of the game franchise. I’ve always loved every aspect of the game; including those pesky technical difficulties that cause game problems. It’s a challenge and learning experience so yeah, that can be fun too… and frustrating! Oh! Did I mention I’m a bit of a CC addict? XD

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5 years ago

I wish they would put more mods out 4 ps4 consoles its seems as if all the stuff is geared 2 PC ..a sims farm would be nice to see..that could also be released with jobs you get 2 go do

5 years ago
Reply to  Patricia

mods cause alot of problems and often require alot of troubleshooting. i never had any consoles beyond ps3 generation, but i cant help but wonder if doing what is necessary to maintain those mods would even be possible for the average casual console simmer.

Allison Bradley
Allison Bradley
5 years ago

I use patreon to release my mods as its less hassle than going through MTS. but I did not set up tiers, nor do I lock them behind paywalls as I do this for fun. not a paycheck. I can’t play sims 4 without mods, or certain mods as the game is very bland without them. I mostly use mods for storytelling and realism the game doesn’t bring on its own. I do understand the frustration with paywalls… and find a lot of it annoying especially when it comes to cas cc. Game mods, however, I am ok with as usually the paywall is early access testing and at that point, if I want to test bugs for those who don’t want to play for it.. that is my choice. Everyone has a different way of playing and different opinions. I think respect is more a key element in the modding community.

5 years ago

Hi Cay,
Thank you for opening up to suggestions. I honestly would like to see more and better CC clothing/shoes options for men and toddlers. The creators do a great job of creating content for women and I am grateful but we need clothes for our men and toddlers.
If you have some sites/links already, please let me know where to locate them.

5 years ago

I play on PlayStation and there is now at to get custom content. To me, it’s honestly not fair for people who can’t have cc because of there console. The creators should add a cc to ps4 and any platform that doesn’t allow it

Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen
5 years ago

More frustrating than waiting 21 days are creators that have paywalls up to a year, if ever. You know, Certain URBan-Style creators. A name and shame would be *righteous*.

5 years ago

I dont know why but I always wondered if the could make an animal expansion but with exotic animals I think that would be cool or a super hero expansion we had vampire, witches mermaids and werewolf but never superhero

5 years ago

A feature on smaller or new creators. I see small creators be overlooked all the time and only constant updates on big name creators. I have functional objects, like the archery gauntlet from the Sims 3 store, in progress as one of my first large mods, but barely anyone knows my name and same with many other creators who make interesting content.

Brandon McDonald
Brandon McDonald
5 years ago

I think we can all agree that a Fix Er Upper update would be amazing there is a fixer upper house on sims mobile and I think that would be really awesome to the creative minds of definitely pay 40-50$ for that

4 years ago

I dont know why but I always wondered if the could make an animal expansion but with exotic animals I think that would be cool or a super hero expansion we had vampire, witches mermaids and werewolf but never superhero

4 years ago
Reply to  Anna-lena

Anna-Lena I want this so bad too actually. Not gonna lie here, but I really want a teacup pig. XD

Allison Bradley
Allison Bradley
4 years ago

I use patreon to release my mods as its less hassle than going through MTS. but I did not set up tiers, nor do I lock them behind paywalls as I do this for fun. not a paycheck. I can’t play sims 4 without mods, or certain mods as the game is very bland without them. I mostly use mods for storytelling and realism the game doesn’t bring on its own. I do understand the frustration with paywalls… and find a lot of it annoying especially when it comes to cas cc. Game mods, however, I am ok with as usually the paywall is early access testing and at that point, if I want to test bugs for those who don’t want to play for it.. that is my choice. Everyone has a different way of playing and different opinions. I think respect is more a key element in the modding community.

4 years ago

I play on PlayStation and there is now at to get custom content. To me, it’s honestly not fair for people who can’t have cc because of there console. The creators should add a cc to ps4 and any platform that doesn’t allow it

4 years ago
Reply to  Luis

Luis I agree. You’re right! It isn’t fair. I wish that console players were able to enjoy cc just like pc/mac players!!!

4 years ago

I wish they would put more mods out 4 ps4 consoles its seems as if all the stuff is geared 2 PC ..a sims farm would be nice to see..that could also be released with jobs you get 2 go do

4 years ago
Reply to  Patricia

mods cause alot of problems and often require alot of troubleshooting. i never had any consoles beyond ps3 generation, but i cant help but wonder if doing what is necessary to maintain those mods would even be possible for the average casual console simmer.

Brandon McDonald
Brandon McDonald
4 years ago

I think we can all agree that a Fix Er Upper update would be amazing there is a fixer upper house on sims mobile and I think that would be really awesome to the creative minds of definitely pay 40-50$ for that

4 years ago

A feature on smaller or new creators. I see small creators be overlooked all the time and only constant updates on big name creators. I have functional objects, like the archery gauntlet from the Sims 3 store, in progress as one of my first large mods, but barely anyone knows my name and same with many other creators who make interesting content.

Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen
4 years ago

More frustrating than waiting 21 days are creators that have paywalls up to a year, if ever. You know, Certain URBan-Style creators. A name and shame would be *righteous*.

4 years ago

Hi Cay,
Thank you for opening up to suggestions. I honestly would like to see more and better CC clothing/shoes options for men and toddlers. The creators do a great job of creating content for women and I am grateful but we need clothes for our men and toddlers.
If you have some sites/links already, please let me know where to locate them.

4 years ago
Reply to  Karina

Hey Karina,

Thank you! I 100% know what you mean and I will for sure begin working on a creator/sites suggestion list!

Happy Simming! xo