The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting

The Sims 4 Community Stuff Pack Vote #2: Art Style

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The Sims Team has just published their second vote for the Community Stuff Pack for The Sims 4!

In this vote they’re letting YOU choose the art style for Objects and Clothing for the theme that won the first Community Stuff Pack vote (Arts & Crafts / Knitting). Down below you can see 3 different examples of art styles including:

  • Granny Chic
  • DIY Delight
  • Cozy Craft Workshop

In the official linked survey down below you’ll be able to choose only one art style of your liking that will determine the art style of the entire pack. The voting is open right now and will last until January 3rd, 2020!

Ready to make a decision? CLICK HERE TO CAST YOUR VOTE!

For more information about the Community Stuff Pack, CLICK HERE!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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5 years ago

Omg this clothes are so ugly eeew

ash skye
ash skye
5 years ago
Reply to  Coco

None their all terrible. The newer stuff they bring out makes me not want to play some anymore as it’s gone to shit

5 years ago
Reply to  Coco

i didnt think the mens clothes were bad

5 years ago
Reply to  Coco

Well, no one said you have to buy the pack. That’s why it’s a stuff pack, it’s OPTIONAL. Even if you do buy the pack, you don’t even have to touch the clothes if you don’t want. You can just use the build/buy objects.

The Gurus have already said that stuff packs and the like aren’t for everyone, they’re not must-have-to-play parts of the game. They just add a little extra flare like the ability for your granny sims or crafting-inclined ones to be able to knit in this case.

The whole point of stuff packs is to customize the content of your game to what YOU want. Don’t like knitting or the stuff in the pack? Don’t buy it. Save up for the next stuff pack or expansion. Heck, give the money to charity or something if you feel the strange urge to spend it on something.

Just because they didn’t pick the pack you wanted, or somehow miraculously read your individual mind out of all the people that voted and play the sims, doesn’t mean the stuff is ugly or should make anyone not want to play. That’s all on you guys and your negative attitudes. The people working to create this game only gave us CONCEPT art. The style in the end could be similar, but it’s not necessarily the final product. The clothing could be completely different. If you’re just going to complain about something small like an optional stuff pack that you’re not obligated to purchase, maybe you shouldn’t be playing sims. Or maybe you should look into custom content and mods instead of stuff packs for specific clothing if it really ticks you off that much.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

It’s fine to make packs that don’t cater to everyone but these outfits look like the laziest reskins of already in-game models. Plus, unlike other packs this is a *community pack*. It’s intended to reflect what people want.

5 years ago
Reply to  J

Dude this is a concept. That’s what they do during the concept stage.

Princess consuela bananahammock
Princess consuela bananahammock
5 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

Wow, you are annoying.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

I cringed.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

So you really made a novel about people not liking the pack items lol seriously just let people be upset or dislike stuff… Expressing ones self isn’t a bad thing!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

So true. Omg someone can literally read my mind.

5 years ago
Reply to  Coco

I loved the ugly clothes! Just like my granny used to make. I think it’s just a quick example that will be improved once they move forward with one design or another. This is just to give a hint of what is to come

5 years ago

Whoever designed those outfits needs to be fired.

Digi Kitten
Digi Kitten
5 years ago

i really adore that green floral top!!!! it has plants!!!!!!!

5 years ago

I ended up settling with DYI. I’m more for the build and buy in the concept images than I am for CAS. I think CAS was stronger in discover university for example but with this pack it leaves a bit to be desired. Sometimes I wished they’d just go with simple and realistic decisions not flashy, fashion inspired or too quirky. Some of us play sims that aren’t rich or materialistic (or very quirky) so some of the clothes just aren’t practical or usable. Also black and certain other colors for me look like there’s some texture bleed but I don’t know if that’s the result of my graphic cards and playing on ultra (which is why I adore recolors that have actual black and not “off black” (??) textures.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rene

Yea so if anyone has any ideas about the texture bleed or solutions let me know. I don’t want to go down from ultra since I like the graphics that way. I also use reshade to brighten things so maybe that is part of the issue unless the bleed is there with vanilla TS4 too.

5 years ago

What I am upset about is that the females are getting more items AGAIN it seems. Why even? Why can’t we get like crazy cat-sir/grandpa outfits? :<

5 years ago

The clothes are really ugly also I found that mostly of the items we already have. I am really disappointed. I will not buy something that I have from other packs.

Mandy Coetzee
Mandy Coetzee
5 years ago

I don’t like any of them

5 years ago

DIY is the only good option and the only one with decent clothing.

Princess consuela bananahammock
Princess consuela bananahammock
5 years ago

I dislike all of these vehemently. I will not be buying this.

5 years ago

Oh no! What a bummer. Lmao.

Natasha Garracini
Natasha Garracini
5 years ago

I wish they would add sewing as well, just as in Free Time from The Sims 2

5 years ago

Since we have to choose, I’d say two. But then again, I have to use legacy so this may not apply to me for a while.

5 years ago
Reply to  Al

I don’t think the new packs will come to legacy at all the any pack forward from uni probably won’t be coming to legacy

5 years ago

voted for granny chic *because* the clothes are so ugly. I want my simself to be able to dress like a tacky grandma, gosh darnit

Megan Shortt
Megan Shortt
5 years ago

Thank god Happy Haunts didn’t win if this much effort was put into this pack .I can’t help but look at these and think don’t we already have some of these or something similar?
I’m not trying to be a twat but like wow lmao.

5 years ago

I think we need a pack of new hair and clothing styles maybe some more piercings as well

5 years ago

In the Youtube stream on Dec 16th they said different names for each of those that were listed to vote on. I think I voted for the wrong one because either they misspoke or it is mislabeled on here, DIY Delight and Cozy Craft Workshop were switched. 🙁

5 years ago

Some say that they’re really not so bad, and I understand that these particular designs are only in the concept art stage and may not be to my liking personally, but I really just don’t think any of this is jumping out to me. Again, no offense to anyone who does like them, that’s fine, I just personally don’t. Actually, I’d like a more colorful, funky thing. We just have SO many neutral tones and boring colors in cas as well as build and buy mode, and we should fix that. Personally I’d go for a more boho style, similar to the ones in movie hangout. Something bold and spunky to really stand out from the rest of the stuff packs, because we need something different and exciting.

Sorry for ranting, love you sims ✌️

5 years ago

They all look the same…

5 years ago

so disappointing we get this theme and not the funny spooky stuff as mage addition…i always wanted to be THE REAPER 🙁

5 years ago

Had so much trouble choosing between two Art Styles! XD I’m excited how this pack will turn out in the end!

5 years ago

I personally like Granny chic, and I’m excited for any and all future packs. I’d love to see a “salon stuff” pack, with a bunch of trendy and wild hair styles with cool colors (might be a good pack to bring the color wheel in) and maybe a nail station where your sims can paint their nails.

5 years ago

Dang it I missed it. Why did they do this over the holidays? Don’t they know people are busy this time of year!! 🙁

5 years ago

The taxidermied squirrel in “Granny Chic” is an interesting touch.

5 years ago

lmao the entitlement is real in this community…

5 years ago

damn not like i would buy this but can’t believe diy was the favorite cause imo its definitely the worst lol

4 years ago

I feel this pack will have a few / some items I like but it’s just kinda meh! I feel they tried to fit too many different concepts in one pack and it’s kinda ugly! Not to get me worng I will use some of the items but it’s not my favorite

4 years ago

Omg this clothes are so ugly eeew

4 years ago
Reply to  Coco

I loved the ugly clothes! Just like my granny used to make. I think it’s just a quick example that will be improved once they move forward with one design or another. This is just to give a hint of what is to come

4 years ago
Reply to  Coco

Well, no one said you have to buy the pack. That’s why it’s a stuff pack, it’s OPTIONAL. Even if you do buy the pack, you don’t even have to touch the clothes if you don’t want. You can just use the build/buy objects.

The Gurus have already said that stuff packs and the like aren’t for everyone, they’re not must-have-to-play parts of the game. They just add a little extra flare like the ability for your granny sims or crafting-inclined ones to be able to knit in this case.

The whole point of stuff packs is to customize the content of your game to what YOU want. Don’t like knitting or the stuff in the pack? Don’t buy it. Save up for the next stuff pack or expansion. Heck, give the money to charity or something if you feel the strange urge to spend it on something.

Just because they didn’t pick the pack you wanted, or somehow miraculously read your individual mind out of all the people that voted and play the sims, doesn’t mean the stuff is ugly or should make anyone not want to play. That’s all on you guys and your negative attitudes. The people working to create this game only gave us CONCEPT art. The style in the end could be similar, but it’s not necessarily the final product. The clothing could be completely different. If you’re just going to complain about something small like an optional stuff pack that you’re not obligated to purchase, maybe you shouldn’t be playing sims. Or maybe you should look into custom content and mods instead of stuff packs for specific clothing if it really ticks you off that much.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

So true. Omg someone can literally read my mind.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

I cringed.

Princess consuela bananahammoc
Princess consuela bananahammoc
4 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

Wow, you are annoying.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

So you really made a novel about people not liking the pack items lol seriously just let people be upset or dislike stuff… Expressing ones self isn’t a bad thing!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Lyovochka

It’s fine to make packs that don’t cater to everyone but these outfits look like the laziest reskins of already in-game models. Plus, unlike other packs this is a *community pack*. It’s intended to reflect what people want.

4 years ago
Reply to  J

Dude this is a concept. That’s what they do during the concept stage.

4 years ago
Reply to  Coco

i didnt think the mens clothes were bad

ash skye
ash skye
4 years ago
Reply to  Coco

None their all terrible. The newer stuff they bring out makes me not want to play some anymore as it’s gone to shit

Natasha Garracini
Natasha Garracini
4 years ago

I wish they would add sewing as well, just as in Free Time from The Sims 2

4 years ago

Whoever designed those outfits needs to be fired.

Mandy Coetzee
Mandy Coetzee
4 years ago

I don’t like any of them

4 years ago

I think we need a pack of new hair and clothing styles maybe some more piercings as well

4 years ago

DIY is the only good option and the only one with decent clothing.

4 years ago

In the Youtube stream on Dec 16th they said different names for each of those that were listed to vote on. I think I voted for the wrong one because either they misspoke or it is mislabeled on here, DIY Delight and Cozy Craft Workshop were switched. 🙁

4 years ago

The clothes are really ugly also I found that mostly of the items we already have. I am really disappointed. I will not buy something that I have from other packs.

Digi Kitten
Digi Kitten
4 years ago

i really adore that green floral top!!!! it has plants!!!!!!!

Princess consuela bananahammoc
Princess consuela bananahammoc
4 years ago

I dislike all of these vehemently. I will not be buying this.

4 years ago

Oh no! What a bummer. Lmao.

4 years ago

voted for granny chic *because* the clothes are so ugly. I want my simself to be able to dress like a tacky grandma, gosh darnit

4 years ago

I ended up settling with DYI. I’m more for the build and buy in the concept images than I am for CAS. I think CAS was stronger in discover university for example but with this pack it leaves a bit to be desired. Sometimes I wished they’d just go with simple and realistic decisions not flashy, fashion inspired or too quirky. Some of us play sims that aren’t rich or materialistic (or very quirky) so some of the clothes just aren’t practical or usable. Also black and certain other colors for me look like there’s some texture bleed but I don’t know if that’s the result of my graphic cards and playing on ultra (which is why I adore recolors that have actual black and not “off black” (??) textures.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rene

Yea so if anyone has any ideas about the texture bleed or solutions let me know. I don’t want to go down from ultra since I like the graphics that way. I also use reshade to brighten things so maybe that is part of the issue unless the bleed is there with vanilla TS4 too.

4 years ago

What I am upset about is that the females are getting more items AGAIN it seems. Why even? Why can’t we get like crazy cat-sir/grandpa outfits? :<

4 years ago

The taxidermied squirrel in “Granny Chic” is an interesting touch.

4 years ago

Had so much trouble choosing between two Art Styles! XD I’m excited how this pack will turn out in the end!

4 years ago

damn not like i would buy this but can’t believe diy was the favorite cause imo its definitely the worst lol

4 years ago

I feel this pack will have a few / some items I like but it’s just kinda meh! I feel they tried to fit too many different concepts in one pack and it’s kinda ugly! Not to get me worng I will use some of the items but it’s not my favorite

4 years ago

lmao the entitlement is real in this community…

4 years ago

so disappointing we get this theme and not the funny spooky stuff as mage addition…i always wanted to be THE REAPER 🙁

4 years ago

Dang it I missed it. Why did they do this over the holidays? Don’t they know people are busy this time of year!! 🙁

Megan Shortt
Megan Shortt
4 years ago

Thank god Happy Haunts didn’t win if this much effort was put into this pack .I can’t help but look at these and think don’t we already have some of these or something similar?
I’m not trying to be a twat but like wow lmao.

4 years ago

Since we have to choose, I’d say two. But then again, I have to use legacy so this may not apply to me for a while.

4 years ago
Reply to  Al

I don’t think the new packs will come to legacy at all the any pack forward from uni probably won’t be coming to legacy

4 years ago

They all look the same…

4 years ago

I personally like Granny chic, and I’m excited for any and all future packs. I’d love to see a “salon stuff” pack, with a bunch of trendy and wild hair styles with cool colors (might be a good pack to bring the color wheel in) and maybe a nail station where your sims can paint their nails.

4 years ago

Some say that they’re really not so bad, and I understand that these particular designs are only in the concept art stage and may not be to my liking personally, but I really just don’t think any of this is jumping out to me. Again, no offense to anyone who does like them, that’s fine, I just personally don’t. Actually, I’d like a more colorful, funky thing. We just have SO many neutral tones and boring colors in cas as well as build and buy mode, and we should fix that. Personally I’d go for a more boho style, similar to the ones in movie hangout. Something bold and spunky to really stand out from the rest of the stuff packs, because we need something different and exciting.

Sorry for ranting, love you sims ✌️