Eco Lifestyle

Countdown to the release of The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle (PC and Console)


Countdown to the release of The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle (PC and Console)

The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack is just a few days away until being released for both PC and Xbox One / PS4!

The game has been set to release on June 5th for all platforms worldwide. However, unlike with Game Packs and Stuff Packs, Expansion Packs have a “staggered” release schedule, meaning that the game has 5 different release schedules for different territories – and Eco Lifestyle will be no exception.

Each zone will have the pack released at midnight (or close to midnight). Since these staggered releases can get a little confusing I’ve included a full countdown timer for all 5 different territories down below! When the counter turns to zero in your territory you’ll be able to purchase (or unlock if you’ve already pre-ordered) the game, download and play it!

I’ll also be doing a special 10-hour Launch Party Livestream on Twitch to celebrate the release of The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle in Europe and North America down below! You can also CLICK HERE to join the Twitch Chat!

North & South America (Midnight EDT New York Time, June 5th)

Europe (Midnight CET Paris Time, June 5th)

Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel & Turkey (Midnight MSK Moscow Time, June 5th)

Japan, Korea & the rest of Far East (Midnight KST Seoul Time, June 5th)

Australia & New Zealand (Midnight AEST Sydney Time, June 5th)

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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4 years ago

So is like Australia not getting it today? It’s 12:22 here and I still can’t purchase the game?

4 years ago

Can’t make a bundle 🙁 Do we know when this is fixed???

4 years ago

Wait. It says it comes out June 5th in the US but the timer says it’s out in 36 minutes? It’s the 4th.

4 years ago

10past 6am and still no eco for ps4? A joke.
You treat console lienits doesnt count anyway…now we certainly know it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hollie

Like it doesnt count anyway*

4 years ago

My xbox store says available from 6pm for the UK on the 5th of June if that helps anyone.

4 years ago

Any one know the time this comes out on PS4? Still isn’t available on the store and its 8:30 am.

Ellis Findlay
Ellis Findlay
4 years ago

I play on console and have checked this morning and there is no eco lifestyle available for download. Is the console download later in the day?

Katie Kelly
Katie Kelly
4 years ago

Instill havent received it I’m on console and pre-ordered it.. so annoyed

4 years ago

Sims 4 I’m honestly getting tired like. Your soon gonna make me stop playing. I only have 1 day off and you screw it up.

4 years ago

Why did they lie, I stayed up until after midnight and still couldn’t retrieve the download. Says available June 5th 1pm. So what was all the countdown to midnight hype for?

4 years ago
Reply to  TriciaNicole

Would have been nice to know all this. I didn’t even see a mention on their twitter. Could have changed the countdown time or something.

4 years ago

All well and good but what about Bst for the UK?

Shamir Patel
Shamir Patel
4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

11pm on the dot

4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

im in the uk and my pre order for eco living says 4th june but did not say a time. I think it will be 11pm like the others

4 years ago
Reply to  Emma

It says midnight June 5 for your download time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Emma

I don’t understand why I should preorder anymore. I don’t get the pack early and I get nothing extra by doing so. It’s not like you’re going to run out of copies or anything like that. What’s stopping me or anyone from just waiting until it actually is released or just wait until it goes on sale? Please someone explain the benefits of preordering! I honestly want to know. Thanks

4 years ago
Reply to  R

It’s useful for if you have money when the pre-order is available but won’t get paid in time for the actual release, if that makes sense?

4 years ago
Reply to  JP

It’s a one-time payment. You have to have the money in your account when you pre-order the pack for the payment to go through. If you don’t have the money when you pre-order, you will not be able to purchase it. :/ Hope this helps in some way

4 years ago
Reply to  JP

That doesn’t make sense. You either have $50 to spend on it or you don’t. If I have $50 two weeks ago, I can either spend it then or wait 2 weeks and spend it. I guess if you’re really bad with money and can’t resist spending what’s in your account it would be a benefit.

Isabel Allen
Isabel Allen
4 years ago
Reply to  R

It just means that you skip going through buying it and it downloads instantly. Also, if you don’t trust yourself not to spend the money before it releases, you can purchase it instantly. I suppose it’s also more for EA’s benefit. People preorder while it’s new and exciting without leaving time to go off it. And it provides insight into interest for the pack.

4 years ago
Reply to  R

Hello! Well preorder isn’t too special, but when the pack is released all you have to do is open your game and let the pack download. Also, if you can’t play on release date or whatever, if you preorder all you have to do is open whenever you can. Or if you can’t pay during release day it’s helpful too. Hope this helps

Ally Wilson
Ally Wilson
4 years ago
Reply to  R

I’m in the uk. Its June 5th 2.45am and eco living still isn’t available to purchase on PS4. I’ve scoured the Internet and can’t find any new info on when it’ll be available. It’s very frustrating!

4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

I still haven’t had any luck in purchasing it :(( UK 2:55pm now

Alexandra Cowan
Alexandra Cowan
4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

I’m in Canada and having the same issue, it’s 7:35 a.m. where I am and there is nothing on the PS store.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

I’m in the US and having the same problem! I went onto GameStop and it says a release date of 6-23-20!

Sharhonda Andrews
Sharhonda Andrews
4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

It’s 7:52 am in Cleveland Ohio , still not available

4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

Same issue now at 7.29am, it was supposed to release at 5am (midnight EST)

4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

Same iv been waiting so ping I got up at midnight June 5th and the countdown said 5 hours so I went to bed I got up after 5 hours and it still hasn’t been released

4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

I’m in Aus and it’s just past 2 pm with the same issue, no Eco Living on PS4.
Whats going on Sony?

Aliyah Lambert
Aliyah Lambert
4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

On playstation it dose not come out for like another 19 hours and there is no information about the playstation eco lifestyle release Im not happy. They should have told us something.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

Same in Poland… It is not available in the store. Pretty lame in my opiniom.

Shamir Patel
Shamir Patel
4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

11 to 11:30 pm

4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

I preordered mine Saturday and it said 5th June 6pm

4 years ago
Reply to  TeamStark93

Mine saying the same

4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

Same as Europe, always. So 11 pm.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymouse

* 11 pm on the 4th June (= midnight 5th Europe), in case that wasn’t clear 😀

KJ Santae
KJ Santae
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymouse

They screwed us PS4 users lol and my sims husband just froze to death because I’m was digging for information . It’s a sad day at my house

Ally Wilson
Ally Wilson
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymouse

I’m in the uk. Its June 5th 2.45am and eco living still isn’t available to purchase on PS4. I’ve scoured the Internet and can’t find any new info on when it’ll be available. It’s very frustrating!

4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

I’m in Canada playing on ps4. Its June 5th 1:56am still not available to purchase or play.

Katie Parkinson
Katie Parkinson
4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

Almost 10am UK time and it’s still not here. Really frustrating 🙁 Anyone know when it’s meant to arrive? I booked the day off work to play!!!

4 years ago

If anyone in the UK still hasn’t got it going, refresh your orgin or console and type in Eco Lifestyle and it should come up to buy and download! I’ve just done it and there it was ready and waiting. Happy simming!

4 years ago

Half 11 in the UK and still nothing. The free update on 2nd of June came around 6pm…maybe this might be the same deal? The pack still says to pre-order…

4 years ago
Reply to  Ally Wilson

It 7:20 still no information for us who play ps4. So frustrated.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

well we’re part of europe…

4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

We’re in Europe! BST time is 1 hour behind Paris, so midnight in Paris is 11pm here. It’s out now anyway so enjoy x

4 years ago

It’s 1:28 on the east coast. My game updated and it’s available in the store but I still can’t play. This is ridiculous. We pay too much money to keep up with these stupid packs to be dealing with this! I wish I could just get my money back at this point. They can keep the damn pack.

Louisa Lovelock
Louisa Lovelock
4 years ago

It’s up on ps4 to buy £32.99

Kellie Fitzgerald
Kellie Fitzgerald
4 years ago

Has EA even released a statement to say what the problem is? I cant seem to find anything that would solve this problem

4 years ago

They use to have Benifits to preordering the games but I guess they don’t with this pack

4 years ago

I’m in Australia, and it says in my Origin client that I can buy/download Eco now, but I want to buy it as part of a bundle pack, and it doesn’t show up as an option when I go to do that (it’s not greyed out or anything, it’s literally just not in the list of Expansion Pack options). Is there a lockout period for adding it to a bundle or something?

Kelsey Kaotic
Kelsey Kaotic
4 years ago

For anyone wondering the download size for Eco Lifestyle. ITS 1.39GB if you have the game fully updated. I know I cant be the only one out here using hot stop for my internet and would like to know before downloading.

4 years ago

Is anyone else having a problem with bundling the pack? I have all of the eps except this one and at least 1 left of the gps and sps, so I know that I can bundle. Is it a thing with timezones? Because I can get it by itself but not as a bundle.