The Sims 4 Guides Snowy Escape

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: All About Hiking


Snowy Escape brings Hiking to Sims 4! Check out all the explorable areas within Mt. Komorebi.

Presented by EA Game Changers

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Expansion Pack, among other features, also brings Hiking to the table as one of the major features of this pack. Now I know you’re probably wondering “what’s so special about hiking?” and I get it – at first it doesn’t really sound like a grand feature that you should be overly excited about but hear me out!

This is a first social feature in the game that truly delivers the multitasking mechanism that was originally introduced with The Sims 4 Base Game. For the first time Sims will actually walk together in the group, socialize and interact with the world of Mt. Komorebi all at once.

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape brings several new hiking trails in the world of Mt. Komorebi. There are 3 hiking trails included in the Senbamachi Neighborhood and 3 hiking trails in the Yukimatsu Neighborhood. In this article I’ll be breaking down each hiking trail destinations, what you can do while hiking and what are the benefits of it.

Group Hiking in The Sims 4

Going on a Group Hiking with multiple Sims is the best way for your Sims to get to know each other and build valuable relationships. You can do Group Hiking with Sims that are inside of the Neighborhood where hiking is allowed. You can begin your Group Hiking journey by selecting a Hiking Board of your choice (there are plenty placed down in both Senbamachi and Yukimatsu) and selecting which Sims you want to hike with.

Sims 4 Hiking Interactions

Sims will get together near the hiking sign that you’ve selected until everyone’s ready. They will begin their journey and start observing the world around them all while socializing together!

Hiking through the trails in Mt. Komorebi

They’ll often stop by to check out important landmarks, take pictures and selfies and sometimes stop if they stumble upon the Spirits. Usually the end of each hike results in many benefits for the entire group – from positive moodlets to exclusive Snowy Escape sentiments.

Usually the leader of the hiking group will get the most positive moodlet if their hiking trip was successful, with other Sims gaining smaller but still influental moodlets.

Moodlet from Hiking in The Sims 4

Sims will have strong, positive sentiments from the good times they’ve had when going on their hiking trips together and will be reminded of those fun times if they’re together. As I’ve mentioned before it’s also a very good activity for Sims to get to know each other better and have a deeper contection (which, by the way, is one of the new sentiments that is already included within the Base Game).

 Mt. Komorebi

Hiking Encounters

You never know what you might encounter during your hiking trip. Whether it’s a glowy Forest Spirit that will either uplift or let down a Sim or the creepy crawlies that will ruin the perfectly-good hike you’ve had.

Forest Spirits will randomly spawn during your hiking trip and you can encounter them in both neighborhoods that have hiking trails. However, they’re very unpredictable…

Sims 4 Snowy Escape - Forest Spirits

You’ll be able to interact with the Forest Spirits in two ways: you can either collect them or choose to make a wish. I’ve found that asking Forest Spirits for a simple wish is the most harmless thing you could do, and doing so will often reward you with a strong moodlet.

Forest Spirit Moodlet

However, from what I could’ve discovered in the game is that they don’t like to be collected. AT ALL. Doing so will often make your Sim either Angry or Dazed, all depending on which Forest Spirit they’ve decided to collect. My advice? Either make a wish or let them be…

Angered Forest Spirit Moodlet in The Sims 4

Your Sims might often also stumble upon forest bugs and crawlies that will immediately ruin your Sim’s hiking trip. Yes, they bite too.

If you’ve already been bitten by a bug during your trip you can apply a Soothing Injury Balm. They’re just 30 Simoleons and will calm down the bug bite.

If you want to come prepared the next time you go on a hike make sure you purchase many different sprays in the Adventure Gear category. You definitely don’t want to see your Sims getting attacked by giant hornets on their next hiking trip!

Adventure Gear Menu in The Sims 4

Hiking Locations

So, where exactly can you hike? There are 3 hiking trails for each of the two neighborhoods! Each hiking location offers some unique gameplay and landmarks that you can visit and interact with.

In Senbamachi you have these following hiking locations to visit:

Hiking Locations in Mt. Komorebi

Bamboo Forest

Bamboo Forest Entrance

Cave Shrine

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: All About Hiking

The Temple

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: All About Hiking

Yukimatsu offers these following hiking spots:

Yukimatsu Hiking Trails

Historic Shrine

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: All About Hiking

Cave Statue

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: All About Hiking

Natural Cove

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: All About Hiking

Meditative Walks

Meditative Walks are perfect for Sims who are overwhelmed with buffs and emotional states. Going frequently on meditative walks will eventually give them a strong Emotionally Mindful moodlet that will completely overtake any negative emotional state that your Sim might be in.

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: All About Hiking

I’ve heard that this is just the first step to reaching your final emotional zen, but we’ll have more to talk about that as we get closer to the release of The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Expansion Pack!

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: All About Hiking

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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4 years ago

Do we know if group hiking will be available in Granite Falls if we have Outdoor Retreat installed as well?