Snowy Escape The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Traits & Aspirations Guide

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Presented by EA Game Changers

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape comes jammed pack with plenty of brand new content and we see the addition of two brand new traits for your Sims and two exciting new aspirations!


Adventurous: These Sims seek out new and unique experiences!

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Traits & Aspirations Guide

Proper: These Sims tend to disapprove of other Sims improper behavior such as Mean or Mischievous socials, but find themselves happier in Formal Outfits and have a much easier time with Friendly and Romantic socials.

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Traits & Aspirations GuideAspirations

Alongside the new personality traits, The Sims 4 Snowy Escape comes with two brand new Aspirations that your Sims can complete. The new aspirations can be found under the Athletic and Location categories when deciding which of the two aspirations your Sim would like to complete.

Mt. Komorebi Sightseer

The first aspiration which falls under the Location category is the Mt. Komorebi Sightseer Aspiration. When you chose this aspiration, your Sim will have the Home Turf trait applied alongside it as a bonus.

“This Sim wants to explore Mt. Komorebi’s culture and experience everything it has to offer”

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Traits & Aspirations Guide


  • Eat Food at the Festival of Light, Snow, or Youth
  • Take a Selfie with the Mt. Komorebi Mascot
  • Collect a Simmi by Popping Open a Simmi Capsule
  • Swim for 1 Hour in Wakaba’s River


  • Soak for a Long Time in a Hot Spring
  • Wear a Festival Costume from a Vending Machine
  • Go Sledding 3 Times
  • Eat Food Using Chopsticks


  • Socialize at Onsen Bathhouse
  • Make a Wish On or Collect a Forest Spirit
  • Take it Slow and Become Emotionally Mindful

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Traits & Aspirations Guide

Once you have completed all stages of the aspiration, you will be rewarded with the Worldly Knowledge reward trait.

Worldly Knowledge: These Sims are better at socializing during Social Events and enjoy ordering food from market stalls. They also can “Negotiate a Discount” at market stalls, which gives them an advantage over other bargaining techniques.

Extreme Sports Enthusiast

The second aspiration can be found under the Atheltic category and is all about being an Extreme Sports Enthusiast. When you chose this aspiration, your Sim will have the High Metabolism trait applied alongside it as a bonus.

“This Sims wants to explore Mt. Komorebi’s wilderness and participate in extreme snow sports”

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Traits & Aspirations Guide

Snow Student

  • Go Down the Bunny Slop
  • Use a Vending Machine or Computer to Purchase a Remedy or Deterrent
  • Use  a Mt. Komorebi  Info Board

Thrill Seeker

  • Achieve Level 3 Rock Climbing Skill
  • Complete a Hiking Trail
  • Actively Ski, Snowboard or Rock Climb for 3 Hours
  • Encounter a Kodama or Forest Spirit


  • Perform High Intensity Skiing or Snowboarding on an Intermediate or Expert Slope.
  • Successfully Reach the Peak of Mt. Komorebi
  • Endure an Injury Sustained from Skiing, Snowboarding, or Rock Climbing.

Peak Pioneer

  • Survive 3 Wildlife Attacks Unscathed
  • Achieve Level 8 Skiing, Snowboarding, or Rock Climbing Skill
  • Successfully Complete High Intensity Skiing or Snowboarding on an Expert Slop or Rock Climbing during Inclement Weather.

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Traits & Aspirations Guide

Once you have completed all stages of the aspiration, you will be rewarded with the Survival Instinct reward trait.

Survival Instinct: These Sims will always escape wildlife attacks unscathed, manage to avoid injury from Skiing, Snowboarding, and Rock Climbing more often than other Sims, and have a natural resistance to inclement weather.

Which aspirations and traits are you excited to explore? Let us know in the comments or come chat with us on social media!

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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Leandro Páez
Leandro Páez
4 years ago

Did you know? (From a tuit of a simguru)
If have Snowy Escape and Fitness Stuff, the climbing wall build the new climb skill?

4 years ago
Reply to  Leandro Páez

Yes, they said that the climb skill will be added to the climbing wall.

Kelly Hogervorst
Kelly Hogervorst
4 years ago

I need to fulfill this one: Actively Ski, Snowboard or Rock Climb for 3 Hours. I made him climb for days, or ski for days, but it is not fulfilled. What am I doing wrong? As a tip there is noted that he has to do it actively, but what does that mean exactly? I can’t find it anywhere!