The Sims 4

How to prevent crashing in The Sims 4 until the Hot Fix Update


The Sims 4’s latest update brought lots of new things to the table…including crashes. Many players have reported their game causing weird sound glitches just moments before the game instantly crashes and shuts down. The issue is most persistent among PC and PS4 players, although some Xbox players have also reported that their game crashes.

The Sims Team acknowledged the issue and shared that they’ll be releasing a Hot Fix Update for The Sims 4 sometime this week, but until then there’s a solution that can prevent your game from crashing until the Hot Fix Update arrives.

The workaround involves disabling the in-game sound straight from the Game Launcher (Origin and Steam) as well as turning off the sound on your PS4.

Origin (PC/Mac)

  1. Go to “My Game Library”.
  2. Right click on The Sims 4 and select “Game Properties”.
  3. Select the “Advanced Launch Options” tab.
  4. In the “Command line arguments” text field, add -nosound and select “Save”.

How to prevent crashing in The Sims 4 until the Hot Fix Update


  1. Go to “Library”.
  2. Right click on The Sims 4 and select “Properties”.
  3. Click the “Set Launch Options…” button.
  4. Add -nosound in the text field and click “OK”.


  • You can try adjusting the master volume in the Game Options to be 0%. However, this workaround hasn’t been proved as 100% effective for everyone.

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Mckenzie B
Mckenzie B
4 years ago

Man, I miss the volume, but its worth it to get to play longer then 10 minutes.

Felicity Frederickson
Felicity Frederickson
4 years ago

It’s still crashing

Christy Aka Christina
Christy Aka Christina
4 years ago

I live in Europe and I have a pc windows and mine Game Properties doesn’t show like that at all it only says CD keys bunch of numbers and when it was add that is it

Christy Aka Christina
Christy Aka Christina
4 years ago

My packs all ARE FAILING to download WHATS IS GOING ON????

4 years ago

okay but is it normal that my sims don’t move their lips after that? i know it’s removing the sound but so drastically??

4 years ago

I’m playing on Mac and since the hot fix update I can’t play anymore. My game is loading for hours after I click on the button play and before entering the worlds. I tried you tip but it doesn’t work. ☹️☹️☹️

4 years ago

I’m playing on Mac and since the hot fix update I can’t play anymore. My game is loading for hours after I click on the button play and before entering the worlds. I tried you tip but it doesn’t work. ☹️☹️☹️

Christina Smith
Christina Smith
4 years ago

Ever since the update my game has crashed every 5 minutes on the PlayStation. My Sims get stuck sleeping or standing on the counter. They refuse to age up so I aged them up in cas mode. I hope it gets fixed this year.