The Sims 4 Guides The Sims 4

The Sims 4: Your Sims can now finally Relax in their Beds

03 23 21 10 08 54 PM

It took a while to get to this point but your Sims are now a little bit smarter when it comes to using their Beds!

The Sims 4’s latest Update introduces a new “Relax” interaction on Beds which finally lets your Sims unwind on their matresses without having to either just sit on them or completely fall into a deep sleep.

The Sims 4: Your Sims can now finally Relax in their Beds

The Sims Team shared in their Patch Notes that Sims will also be able to do some relaxing multitasking – such as watching the TV. All you have to do is have a TV placed down somewhere across the Bed and you’ll be able to both watch the TV and Relax on your Bed at the same time!

The Sims 4: Your Sims can now finally Relax in their Beds

However, it seems that that’s pretty much it? I’ve tried to do some other “relaxing” activities while relaxing such as reading a Book. My Sim didn’t want to perform this interaction and instead decided to just sit up and read the book next to the Bed, probably meaning that this type of relaxing multitasking isn’t allowed in the game just yet.

The Sims 4: Your Sims can now finally Relax in their Beds

Another thing I’ve noticed is that if you have two Sims relaxing on a Bed at the same time they won’t be able to communicate with each other until they stand up or sit right next to each other – even though they’re just half a meter apart!

The Sims 4: Your Sims can now finally Relax in their Beds

It’s clear that there’s still a lot of multitasking abilities left to explore when it comes to object and social interactions. I’m hoping that The Sims Team plans to further develop this aspect in the game because there’s a lot of potential for plenty of social interactions!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Daniel McNotMyRealName
Daniel McNotMyRealName
3 years ago

“Sims can finally relax in their beds!”

*but they can’t do anything while relaxing

3 years ago

“relax means relax haha. Super mindful relaxation!

Anita Balnasa
Anita Balnasa
3 years ago

Do not put the TV in the bedroom. Then one will not be able to sleep because the other will want to watch. And they can already watch TV in bed. Useless correction.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anita Balnasa

I might have remembered this wrong but I feel like my Sim managed to get a good sleep in their bed while someone else was watching TV in the same room… though as I said, not sure. Has anyone else had an experience like this?

3 years ago

Good news everyone: Sims can relax in their beds!!

Bad news: They can’t talk to each other

Emir Khoury
Emir Khoury
3 years ago

it’s a shame our sims can’t cuddle while in bed… why even bother adding this interaction if they can’t do other things?

3 years ago

Yeah, noticed that they can’t talk to other Sims while lying on the bed… I hope they fix it in the next patch or sth!

3 years ago

yawn. sims 3 was better AT RELEASE than sims 4 years after.