Full List of Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator Cheats!
The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator Game Pack isn’t one of those Game Packs that bring a whole lot of gameplay considering it focuses more on Build Mode aspects. However, there are still some cheats that will help you advance in your Career quickly and unlock some of the locked CAS outfits that come with this pack!
Please make sure you enter the testingcheats true cheat in the cheat console before entering any of the following cheats. You can open up the cheat console by pressing CTRL + Shift + C on your Keyboard on PC or by pressing R1+R2+L1+L2 on your Console controller.
Interior Decorator Career Cheats
You can quickly promote your Sims in the Interior Decorator Career by using the following cheat:
- careers.promote deco
You can use this cheat as much as you want until reaching the final level of the Career. Afterwards using this Cheat
If you want to quickly demote your Sim to a previous Career Level of the Interior Decorator Career you can use the following cheat:
- careers.demote deco
Unlock Career CAS Outfits
If you want a quick jump and unlock all of the locked career outfits that come with The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator you can use the following cheat:
- cas.unlockbytag GP10
If you’ve already loaded up a category that includes locked outfits while entering this cheat make sure you exit that category and then open it again so the ouftits can get properly unlocked.