Cottage Living

SimGuruRomeo Shares More Information About The Sims 4 Cottage Living


Taking to Twitter earlier today, SimGuruRomeo shared information relating to two popular topics that have arisen since yesterday’s reveal trailer. The topics regard horses and if your Sims would be able to swim in ponds.

You can find out more information in the image below.


SimGuruRomeo Shares More Information About The Sims 4 Cottage Living

Let us know what you think about The Sims 4 Cottage Living in the comments below.

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Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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3 years ago

Watch modders make all these things come to life after the update. 🙂

Mathew Sire
Mathew Sire
3 years ago

substantial undertaking…..a $50 CAD expansion…nearly the price of a new game isn’t enough to justify the work? Remember when Sims 3 released Cats/Dogs/Horses and more…… Why don’t they just make the game a subscription based game and be done with it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mathew Sire

2021 and still with this kind of comment? move on man

Mathew Sire
Mathew Sire
3 years ago
Reply to  crunchyycrunch

why when its still accurate?
stop being a EA apologist man

3 years ago
Reply to  Mathew Sire

i mean… lol… when did it change anything complaining for this? as long as money is here for them why would they change anything? it’s the same every-f-where, hello! whenever they feel a bad change for them maybe it’ll change. stop buying and ask ppl doing the same, maybe that’s what you should do instead of wasting your time on forums?

Mathew Sire
Mathew Sire
3 years ago
Reply to  crunchyycrunch

it probably doesn’t but also who is the one that came on here, just to tell me not to complain lol..twice…who is wasting whose time on forums?

Copper Wiley
Copper Wiley
3 years ago
Reply to  Mathew Sire


Aeryn Tyrell
Aeryn Tyrell
3 years ago
Reply to  crunchyycrunch

For the love of God, pirate this pack. Do not give them another cent.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mathew Sire

Wasn’t there talk that subscriptions could happen with TS5 and some people got upset about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought back the sims stores for TS5 and encouraged people to post their custom items there.. It’s been over 5 years, the engine is limited as one would expect from EA refusing to start fresh when it originally failed at the mobile version and EA isn’t going to suddenly change by massively increasing resources. Outside of the “big boys” the other animals in TS3 had few interactions similar to what TS4 has and horses had their routing issues. Also just because someone isn’t foaming at the mouth mad about EA or think complaining about things that you won’t change and hasn’t changed doesn’t make them apologist. More like they’re being realistic and accepting where we are. It’s EA come on now. It does not make sense to invest, purchase and/or follow news about a game that someone doesn’t like or meets their expectations especially since it’s been several years now. I don’t understand those that do. Do I call them fools then as the opposite to apologists? This is beating a dead horse at this point. This isn’t the first year of TS4’s launch, it’s the final years so the biggest complaints should’ve happened then not now. Doable concerns can still happen though but again things like resources are very, very, very unlikely to happen especially this many years in. Play it. Don’t play it. Pricing and resources aren’t going to change.

Mathew Sire
Mathew Sire
3 years ago
Reply to  Rene

I’m sorry but that’s just naïve at best. Accepting EA’s bad practices because the game has been out for years doesn’t help anything but encourage them to do worse with Sims 5. It’s not being a fool to stand up for something you believe. Even if it wont accomplish anything. Sorry you think so. Thats how EA gets away with all the crap it does, people accepting what they get because they feel doing anything else is a waste of time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mathew Sire

Wasn’t there talk that subscriptions could happen with TS5 and some people got upset about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought back the sims stores for TS5 and encouraged people to post their custom items there.. It’s been over 5 years, the engine is limited as one would expect from EA refusing to start fresh when it originally failed at the mobile version and EA isn’t going to suddenly change by massively increasing resources. Outside of the “big boys” the other animals in TS3 had few interactions similar to what TS4 has and horses had their routing issues. Also just because someone isn’t foaming at the mouth mad about EA or think complaining about things that you won’t change and hasn’t changed doesn’t make them apologist. More like they’re being realistic and accepting where we are. It’s EA come on now. It does not make sense to invest, purchase and/or follow news about a game that someone doesn’t like or meets their expectations especially since it’s been several years now. I don’t understand those that do. This is beating a dead horse at this point. This isn’t the first year of TS4’s launch, it’s the final years so the biggest complaints should’ve happened then not now. Doable concerns can still happen though but again things like resources are very, very, very unlikely to happen especially this many years in. Play it. Don’t play it.

3 years ago

I would’ve liked horses but I would also buy a GP about horses if they wanna add them that way. Then they are more focused and not half-assed.

Daniel McNotMyRealName
Daniel McNotMyRealName
3 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Dream Home Decorator

3 years ago

What’s the problem with Dream home Decorator?

Daniel McNotMyRealName
Daniel McNotMyRealName
3 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Well, it’s half-assed and unfocused

3 years ago

The Pack seems fine to me. I got no problems while playing with it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

I actually agree with this. Cottage living seems like it’s more focused on “farm-to-table.” Horses don’t really fit that. An equestrian GP would be great, though I’m sure people would still be complaining. I’d buy it though.

3 years ago

In other words: you will have to buy another pack for horses if you want both. Sims 3 Pets even had horses and unicorns, yet cats and dogs were obviously the core.
This is them basically confirming a sims 4 game only has 1 core while previous franchises such as sims 2 and sims 3 had multiple cores combined in packs.

Sims 4 is just a cash grabbing game and we all know it.

I am happy I never buy anything at full price but at this point, even at 50% off, it bugs me cause I don’t want to support these practices.