Presented by EA Game Changers
Over the last couple of days I’ve gotten a special opportunity to check out the early alpha copy of The Sims 4 Cottage Living Expansion Pack!
During this period I’ve managed to check out the full catalogue of Create A Sim items that come with this pack. There are new CAS items for each age in the game, and I’m especially impressed at the hair conversions done for Children and Toddlers!
Down below you can check out the full rundown of all of the new Create A Sim items, for each fashion preference, category and age. I’ll be doing a deep dive into seperate swatches in an upcoming CAS Review video so stay tuned!
Before you check out the CAS preview, please note that this is Early Alpha software, meaning that the game is not final yet. You might see some issues specifically with one of the feminine adult bottoms, as well as the issue with a specific pair of leggings looking “glossy”.
New Aspiration
Country Caretaker – Country Caretakers want to tend the countryside and befriend all animals and critters!
New Traits
Lactose Intolerant – These Sims will become sick if they eat dairy, but will feel great if they have avoided it for a while.
Animal Enthusiast – These Sims are obsessed with animals, and will seek their company often. They will have an easier time caring for animals and getting closer to them.
Adult Masculine
Only three hairstyles (and 1½ facial hair) for men, while woman have TWELVE? And the amount of clothes for men are always inferior as for women.
It seems like Maxis doesn’t like making assets for male Sims…
I love the beards.
As a woman I agree. Men should be able to have more hairstyles and fashions, especially with a pack like this.
they’re probably going off the whole thing of “playing as a woman is more popular than playing as a man” -squints at skyrim-
The difference in the amount of hair that women get versus the amount that men get is very stark in this pack. I was expecting for there to be more male focused stuff in this farming pack. I am disappointed as always.
Male CAS is definitely better this time around, but still lacking. Some more stylized male hairs would be nice…
I’m kind of disappointed in the Child CAS too. No new dresses in a country themed pack? Seriously? No new PJs either, even though toddlers got some. What we did get is cute, but I want more.
Why SimGuruRomeo lied when he said that male sims will have a ”GOOD” amount of clothing in Cottage Living. Not true at all after seeing this and gamechangers videos…
So far this pack is just not impressive enough to pay so money much for. Waiting to see more of the build and buy items to make up my mind, tho.