The Sims Team has shared their first look at the customizable Pronouns coming to The Sims 4!
As you all may know, the team confirmed that they are working on including pronouns to the game with a better implementation in CAS. During the livestream developers SimGuruDuck, along with other developers and partners from It Gets Better organization have shared their current progress of adding Customizable Pronouns.
During the livestream they shared their work in progress screens that you can check out below. Everything shown below is Work in Progress and is subject to change!
In the introduction part of creating a character in Create A Sim the screen on the top left corner will now say “Hello, My Name and Pronouns are…”.
When clicking the name section of the user interface there is now a dropdown for custom pronouns that you can choose for your Sim character! This includes options for They/Them, She/Her and He/Him. Also, there is a special “Custom” option on the bottom part…
Adding Custom Pronouns of your choice is something that’s still new to the world of video games, but it seems that so far The Sims has made great progress with the options seen below. You can type ANY pronoun you want of your choice with examples in sentences shown below:
The team confirmed that this feature is still work in progress and is the first iteration.
During the stream they confirmed that, due to the game being translated into 18 different languages, the options for Custom Pronouns will come to players who play The Sims 4 in English first. However, Customizable Pronouns are coming to players of all different languages as well as soon as the team wraps up the logistics of translating different pronouns for different languages.
You can check out the full interview with producers about this upcoming feature in the livestream replay below!
This article is still a work in progress..
Looks good so far. Now if they’ll just fix all the strings in the game to USE pronouns properly…
So what happens to Sims already made before the pronoun update changes? Do they just start out with none, or automatically applied to whatever traditional gender role they were made in CAS?
This looks good. I’m happy for all of the people who had to wait for such a long time!
are they also changing the color of cas?
if they change the color of CAS to…that whitewashed bg I’m gonna have to find cc CAS backgrounds to replace it, screw that.
I wonder if we’ll be able to use space characters for custom pronouns.
Cue Sims with !*?!? or curse words as pronouns lol
This update is completely stupid. There is no such thing as non-binary. You’re either male or female that’s it. If you’re male and have a female sibling, you’re her brother and she’s your sister. If you’re married and have a female spouse, she’s your wife. If you have a male spouse, he’s your husband. Enough with changing pronouns to make a micro minority group feel better. Enough with this alternative reality crap! EA and The Sims teams should keep the game as-is.
You seem awfully threatened by a UI change.
It’s not a stupid update because you don’t understand or are ignorant of people who are different to you. If you don’t want to use it, then that’s your choice. Let people who want this update have it. No need to impose your narrow world view onto others when it really doesn’t affect you.
is it that big of a deal to add them? wow
will you be able to disable this feature or have it auto apply? im happy people of that community can have this feature but i just dont sim that way
He says that in real life we say “Hello my name and pronouns are…” but I’ve never experienced that to be the case. I have yet to tell anyone my pronouns when introducing myself. It doesn’t feel like real life.