My Wedding Stories

Planning a Wedding in The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories


Everything we know so far!

The Sims Team has just wrapped up their Livestream for The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories Game Pack! In the livestream they’ve shared plenty of details regarding Wedding Planning and what you can do to plan out your perfect wedding!

We transcribed the details from SimGuruRad and SimGuruMorgan where they went more in-depth regarding Wedding Planning. Take a look at all that goes into Weddings now!

In the Add Wedding Event, we have 7 events! You will see six here and one additional event which is Vowel Renewal which will only show up after you’re married. Right now our Sims are only engaged and so this is what they’ll see.

We have our Bach Party which is that traditional last night out. We wanted to go for a more gender neutral Bach Party, not specifically Bachelor or Bachelorette Party. No gender lines here!

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We have a Rehersal Dinner which is the chance together before the wedding. An Engagement Dinner which is celebrating that engagement moment. The Wedding Ceremony and the Reception afterwards.


We have the other one which is the Family gathering. We know that weddings look different from family to family so this was the perfect event to be a catch-all. Whatever a family gathering would look like for your Sims. Whether it’s really casual or you just hang out at the beach! Or something more formal and traditional, Chinese-inspired tea ceremony that you want to invite your family to. We felt like this can meet any cultures’ expectations for what a Family Gathering might be. You can host at any time throughout the wedding process!

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Invite Sims

We are going to plan a Wedding Ceremony and I want to show you how this is special. First off there’s the invite Sims panel which should look fairly similar. But, what’s special about these weddings is that you can select Sims of Honor, an Officiant, a Flower Pal and a Ring Bearer. In game you’re going to go and ask someone “Hey, would you be my Flower Pal?”.

There are also a few Sims that can ask “I would like to be your Sim of Honor for your Wedding”. You can do that for both directions! That will be for Sims that are engaged.

Last we have our guest panel (you can choose 15 guests maximum).

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Select Activities

The next biggest thing is “Select an Activity”. This is the core of our Wedding Events and what we’re trying to do here is that we’re trying to let you select the things that are right for your Sims, the couples that you’re playing with.

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Here is a full list of activities that you can perform at the wedding:

  • Exchange Vows
  • Have Speeches
  • Cut Cake
  • Walk Down the Aisle
  • Have Toasts
  • Throw Rice
  • Blow Bubbles
  • Tea
  • First Dance
  • Spousal Kiss
  • Drinks
  • Dancing
  • Celebration Feast

Planning a Wedding in The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories

It’s really about choosing and molding this event to what you and your Sims want.

Select Style

This is a place where you get to see how your wedding comes together. We select the cake, also in gameplay. You’re not going to select it in the User Interface but there’s a tooltip on how to select the cake for the Wedding.

Selecting a Cake for the wedding: After you’ve finished scheduling the wedding ceremony, click on a cake that has been purchased or made and Select as Cake for Wedding Ceremony. This cake can be replaced by running the same interaction on a different cake.

With the Guest Attire option you can select the color. (You can also let people come into their own attire). For Guest Attire category you also have a Dress Code option, letting you choose different clothing styles that your Sims can come to the wedding!

We have our Edit Outfit which will allow you to select the Formal outfit for your wedding couple. You can select it here which will take you to CAS. We also have a Building in town which lets you do that.

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Select a Place

This category is self-explanatory – you can select the Time and Location for your wedding!

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Edit the Event Afterwards

After choosing the details for your Wedding Event you can always go back to The Calendar and edit the details that you’ve put in. That’s of course possible before the day of the wedding!

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About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Lucas Hearsay
Lucas Hearsay
2 years ago

This looks cool! Or at least interesting!

2 years ago

So excited

Maya Rijkelijkhuizen
Maya Rijkelijkhuizen
2 years ago

I’m so exited for this pack!