The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Mods

Custom Loading Screens for The Sims 4

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Embrace the Season Ahead with a new set of Custom Loading Screens!

Little things make all the difference for those of us playing The Sims 4 for a long, long time. Loading screens are one of those things. They just add a little oomph for free and take no effort to set up.

Here are some interesting loading screens we’ve found to spice up the old Sims 4.

Stay Up

Lin’&Sims made a loading screen inspired by the hints for the upcoming pack. There are five of them in total and all of them have a dark and lunar theme. Werewolves anyone?

Animal print

If you still want to stay on the wild route, but not of the occult nature, Blonde Bunnny‘s got you covered! They made six animal print loading screens in high definition. From zebra to leopard, or maybe were-zebra or were-leopard, that’s none of our business.

Custom Loading Screens for The Sims 4


If you prefer a more classic and subdued look to your loading screens, look no further than Teanmoon‘s monochromatic creations, with ten vibrant rainbow colors.

In-game scenes

If you prefer an immersive Sims experience, with no outside influences, Ghostly has a series of in-game loading screens showcasing beautiful vistas from different worlds, that you can adapt to different seasons and moods. Marvels of simlish architecture and landscapes.


Speaking of things in the game, fairies are not. But there is a very cute loading screen by Simsloverxyz depicting a fairy mushroom house in magical fairyland.

Custom Loading Screens for The Sims 4

How to set CC loading screens?

It’s quite simple. Just put the file in the Mods folder! Keep in mind there can be only one file, so it would be smart to remember its name so you can easily find it and replace it.

All the loading screens mentioned above can be downloaded by clicking on the links crediting their creators.

Do you use custom loading screens, if not – why? Tell us in the comments?

About the author


Puppet master, simulator and an ok person.

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2 years ago

Yes, I use a plain dark blue one like the one in Teanmoon’s options

Bibi Andersson
Bibi Andersson
2 years ago

I’ve never tried one as I never sit and watch the game load. I always make coffee or something else while the game starts up.