All the signs point at the big bright moon! And at the big bad wolf…
The teaser for new roadmap from May till the end of June is here, and it looks like Simmers who voted in our Quick Community Poll could be correct!
The Hints
The 14 seconds video gave some hints, one of them being a clear awooo under the moonlight! Combining the menacing howl, with the fact one of the hints is a game pack tentatively called Go Wild…
Is it possible? Is it? The Werewolves?!

The Werewolf History in The Sims
We’ve already seen them in The Sims 3: Supernatural Expansion Pack, alongside with vampires, witches, fairies, genies and zombies. The theory doesn’t sound too far fetched, as we already have some of those in The Sims 4.
Werewolves have been a staple in The Sims lore since The Sims: Makin’ Magic, where it was possible to cast a Beauty or Beast spell on other Sims, turning them into werewolves. They continued with The Sims 2: Pets, where Sims could become Werewolves when bitten by the leader of the pack or transformed by the savage interaction. Sims 2 werewolves could fight burglars, train dogs and if you get sick of the life as a night walking beast, get cured by the Gypsy matchmaker.
But I think I speak for everyone when I say werewolves made the biggest impression in The Sims 3: Supernatural, where they had a rich social hierarchy and a hidden werewolf skill, known as Lycanthropy. During a full moon, werewolf Sims will transform, weather you want it or not, and the chaos ensues. Causing the surrounding non-occult Sims into panic. So much fun to be had while climbing to the top of your wolf pack or implying mother was a poodle…

The Werewolf Possibilities in The Sims 4
What do all of these werewolf iterations have in common? Lunar cycles and body hair. They were a thing before and they could seamlessly work again. With the existing calendar system, lunar cycle seams obvious and body hair… Why don’t we have body hair yet?
Having in mind how the other occults function in The Sims 4, Werewolves could possibly work like vampires, aliens or mermaids, with a human form and a supernatural form. In this case it would make sense to bring back the Lycanthropy skill, since there has to be a top dog (pun intended).
For those wanting to play with werewolves (and faries), there is already a mod extensively covered on our site!
The Sims 4’s upcoming Roadmap lasts for this May and June for the year of 2022. We’ll keep you updated on news as they get revealed, so stay tuned!
I’ve been wanting another Occult Sim Life State for a while! I played a Werewolf Police Officer in The Sims 3 and it was a lot of fun! I hope Werewolves are as fun as they were with their pack mechanics and transformations!
I fear that we will never get body hair in the sims 4.. Which is sad because it’s part of being human.
If we’re getting werewolves, we better be getting free body hair for it too. It’s not like they won’t find it hard to implement either, seeing as Luumia of all people who’s already made cc body hair works for them…
Werewolf gamepack fits with my theory of the bigger packs being connected to the old gallery challenges connected to spark’d. I do hope the werewolves are a nice improvement from the previous games as they always felt like they were given the short stick
Hey! Why my comment got removed!?!
How quickly did you post all your comments? Sometimes it may be viewed as a spam bot as some of those have been on this site before (actual spam bots).
It was my first comment on this article! In which I told people where the word werewolf comes from with a link to my blog where you can find more of these fun facts.
Learned the hard way yesterday (on the place that shall not be named) links get auto flagged and if a mod doesnt approve it the post doesnt actually get posted. Think it works like that here too.
Where actualy doe’s it come from?
(I hope this don’t hurt, and my ban from the sv site is still on.) Oh the link can’t stand on here or di*q**. Becuse the comments “travel’s”
Werewolf comes from the old Germanic world Wera meaning man and the word wolf, it literally translates to “man-wolf”.
It might have been the link then. Sometimes that is seen as a potential spam bot since some of them post links with their crap. I know some websites comment section can shadow ban a comment if there’s a link in there as a precaution in case it can lead to somewhere unrelated – p@rn site, viruses etc. That’s what happened to me when I was on a non sim related website and while my comment was still technically there it was shadow banned for a link that I was using as a source for my comment.
Oh, now I get it, they saw my blog as a potential dangerous spam website! Just like my cousin!
Losing my MIND hoping it’s werewolves I am BEGGING EA to give us werewolves
The shadow… could that be a burglar?
As an occult player that is more exciting possibility to me, which just goes to show how little faith I have in them doing werewolves any justice. Crossing fingers for vampire level good and not mermaid Meh…
I was really thinking that this game would end without werewolves. I hope they’re done well like vampires and not how poorly done mermaids were. They had a good system with vampires so I don’t understand why they didn’t at least bring some of that to mermaids. Island living had a lot of potential but it is an pack that needs a major refresher because mermaids were a selling point. I’m curious if they’ll add fairies in this upcoming pack too.
I hope they get like Sims 3. Becuse that looks more fun, and not like the sims 2 veriant.
The sims 3 variant was only slightly better than sims 2’s variant, but both were very forgettable. I’m hoping they expand on them more and not stick just with werewolves, maybe throw in werellamas
The werellamas would be SOO COOL, whit were teeth’s and dirty wool, whit up poping hair parts. And glowing eyes in Yellow. But a spit whit blo*d is not so great. (For exsampel HSP and many others.)
I could go for werellamas.
sadly not holding out for something developed better than what we got for mermaids, not this late in the game
Nooooo… Werewolves just about destroyed all the fun in TS3, and considering how dull Sims4 are compared to the previous incarnations, this may kill the game all together.
Uh, what? It’s a game pack, no one is going to come to your house and install it against your will.
All werewolves did in 3 was hunt down collectibles
The toddlers howling at the moon was precious too though.
True, but as we’ve seen with other occults that sadly ain’t happening in TS4. Occults don’t *become* occults until they hit Teen
Given the history in sims 4 im more than sure it’ll be easy to avoid. Beyond Vlad being a creep i barely remember vampires exist in this game. Besides they’ve been good with giving us options mostly.
But we all know it’s gonna release broken, right? And we’re NOT buying it until it actually works as-advertised?
Because what’s gonna happen is that all your Sims are gonna spontaneously become werewolves, they’ll glitch into spaghetti when they try to use the werewolf walkstyle, and they’ll transform in broad daylight.
And that’s just for starters.
Don’t buy this UNLESS IT WORKS.
I get it and I agree but with this logic what the heck can you buy?! The base game maybe? Most of the game is a broken mess and EA is just pushing for more and more packs/kits… The devs barely have time to fix anything before they need to start work on a new pack.
How about we don’t buy anything
This consoomer mindset only tells EA we’ll accept a hot turd on a plate, so long as it has a little green plumbob above it.
We already have the Sims 4 and for a lot of us, many packs. Just because something is NEW doesn’t mean we HAVE to have it NOW. We can have it *later*.
I’ve waited 8 years for werewolves, I can wait 8 years and 1 month. It’s fine.
In the meantime I’ll just play something else.
Then maybe start voting with your dollar by *not* giving it to them until it works? Honestly, the community deserved My Wedding Stories and I’m still laughing at all the morons who paid full price for it, especially after that dumpster fire pre-sale live stream. They straight up *showed* the community it was unplayable garbage and you guys still bought it.
We are overdue for another occult pack. I’ll take anything at this point.
I really hope if werewolves get added they make them like vampires and spellcasters, like with the skill tree. Either way, I always love new occults!
As an occult player, this has me so excited. If they can fix bugs and allow us to create bands, I would be happy.
I can’t wait to get werewolves in the sims 4 I have one certain sim in my game whom I love very much that I always wanted to turn into a werewolf.
You might want a spellchecker for this article, yikes!