The objects preview for The Sims 4 Moonlight Chic and Little Campers Kits are here!
It’s that time again!
The release of The Sims 4’s Latest Update is focused solely on the new feature that is Customizable Pronouns. Although this feature currently is only available in English speaking countries, the update has been released for everyone to help prepare the game for the upcoming Kits releases.
The upcoming Kits, Little Campers (Build Kit) and Moonlight Chic (CAS Kit) are scheduled for release on May 26th across PC and Consoles.
The update has revealed the full list and objects preview of the upcoming Kits. So let’s dive deeper into the previews!
Thanks to Simmatically for uncovering the Object Previews that you see below:
The Sims 4 Moonlight Chic Kit CAS Items

The Sims 4 Little Campers Kit Build Objects

Excited for both of these! I know kits don’t get much love but I do enjoy the additional options they give to my gameplay!
Is that the animal crossing frog chair?
Whoa! That’s more items than any previous CAS kit! Maybe there’s hope of them raising the item count in future kits after all…
I love all the items shown here
Whoa! I hadn’t expected that much items!
I’d love for the devs to create a kit that just gives us more jewelry options for all ages, maybe with a gameplay item of a work bench that lets our Sims craft and then sell their own jewelry. Jewelry is a very underserved category in CAS, in my opinion, and I was kind of hoping for more than one new necklace and one pair of earrings with Moonlight Chic.
Well, I’m fairly underwhelmed by the CAS stuff, but the campers kit looks pretty heckin’ cute! Always here for more kiddo content. <3
am i surprised that almost the entirety of moonlight chic is for women? no. am i still disappointed? yeah.
I count four tops and at least three pants previewed on masculine frames, plus the necklace, and the shoes and other accessories are almost certainly unisex. That makes roughly 2/3 feminine items, which certainly isn’t parity, but also isn’t “almost the entirety”.