News Behind The Sims

Sims Community is going LIVE for The Sims Summit!


We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming on Sims Community to deliver you breaking news. And giveaways!

Big news and developments for The Sims Franchise are about to unravel at Behind The Sims Summit!

Tomorrow, The Sims 4 Base Game is going completely FREE. In about 24 hours anyone will be able to grab a free copy from Origin / EA App, Microsoft and Playstation Stores. The game will be available for both Console and PC Users.

However, that’s only a fraction of what’s to come. The Sims Team is teasing big things for tomorrow’s Behind The Sims Summit Livestream. There are big rumors about The Sims 5 being announced, among news about the future developments of The Sims 4.

There’s going to be a lot to cover, and we’ll be here throughout the entire event – and after!

Sims Community Coverage for The Sims Summit

The Sims Community Team will give you up-to-speed information regarding news from The Sims Summit. Down to the details!

The Home Page will be updated regularly with breaking news and coverage from Behind The Sims Summit. We’ll soon be publishing a WATCH LIVE page where you can join the Live Discussion throughout Behind The Sims Event – while watching it! Our team will be transcribing important information and screens revealed throughout the event so you can have a timeline of things as they’re being revealed.

Behind The Sims Summit

Flash Giveaways

Expect Flash Giveaways for each DLC Type throughout this period. If you’re an upcoming player of The Sims 4 you might try your luck in our next 4 rounds. First one coming today!

The Sims 4 Giveaway

Behind The Sims Summit is happening October 18th, 10AM Pacific Time. We can’t wait to bring you exciting updates!

What are you hoping to see at The Sims Summit?

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!