There’s a brand new update for The Sims 4! Find out what’s new and fixed in the Patch Notes.

The Bug Fix Update
The Sims Team has released a brand new update for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Xbox and Playstation.
It was announced last week that this update will be covering certain Bug Fixes for The Sims 4 on PC and Consoles.
To download the latest version of The Sims 4, simply open your Origin program and if the game doesn’t update automatically, right click on The Sims 4 and select ”Update”. If you play on Xbox and Playstation, you should Check the Game for Updates in case Automatic Updates are off.
In case you have Mods or Custom Content, the game will automatically disable them for you after first launching The Sims 4 after the update. To re-enable all your Mods and Custom Content, select the Settings option in the Menu and select Settings. Under the ”Other” section you’ll find the ”Enable Custom Content and Mods” option. Check it and restart your game in order for it to take effect!

Patch Notes
Update 11/01/2022
PC: / Mac:
Console: Version 1.66
Hello Simmers!
Hope everyone got a chance to watch the Behind The Sims Summit livestream that happened just a short couple of weeks ago—pretty exciting stuff in there if you didn’t!
We have a small update here as we get ready for the upcoming release, so let’s just go on in and see what you can expect in the update.
Bug Fixes
Base Game
- Sims will run while performing a Go Here interaction if the distance is long enough.
- …and they aren’t lazy
- …and do not currently have a buff that would prevent running..
- Sims should also run from fires. Unless they don’t. Then they’ll probably just catch fire and run in place.
- Chest deformations should once again expand correctly on female Sims with masculine frames.
- Change Phone Color after queuing should no longer re-queue in the action queue after traveling, or saving and reloading the game.
- Completed goals as part of the New in Town scenario will now disappear on completing the goal, rather than waiting for a time out delay.
- Completing the aspiration goal of Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend before the Soulmate and Serial Romantic aspiration goals are active, will now complete the goal appropriately.
- Pressing RT/R2 or LT/L2 while in the Likes & Dislikes options in Create a Sim will no longer close the interface, and change the controller focus to a hidden interface.
High School Years
- Black is no longer the only color option for the yuMakeupEyebrows_EP12EGirl eyebrows.
- Newly transformed werewolves will now transform with appropriate varieties in their occult form fur patterns, rather than just going with the all black all the time look.