The Sims 4 Mods

Overhaul Your Sim’s Emotions and Moodlets with Meaningful Stories Mod!

meaningful stories mod fe

Bring your sims to life with Meaningful Stories’ redesigned mood and emotion system for The Sims 4.

Shake up your gameplay with this subtle, but impactful mod: Roburky’s Sims 4 Meaningful Stories Mod! Now you can take control of how Sims’ emotions and moodlets function. In the end, Sims seem more realistic and their lives more meaningful.

Meaningful Stories is a mod that makes Sims more realistic, adds variation to moodlets and emotions, gives depth to emotional traits, creates true happiness, and more! The more realistic they are, the bigger the challenge! This mod is not instantly noticeable, but it’s impact is substantial!

From Roburky’s Website

Summing up, what we love about this mod is the depth it creates in the game. No more moods that bounce around constantly. Depressive episodes can last a week unless you do specific actions to stop it. Emotions like happiness don’t happen constantly and certain events can cause true happiness. Another subtle feature that we enjoyed is the effect of emotional auras. and although we love the ability to ability to influence our Sim’s mood, the addition of gradual influences seems more natural and less forced.

Roburky's Meaningful Stories Mod Tutorial Tips

Sims 4: Meaningful Stories’ Features

Although most changes are subtle, they are impactful. Roburky’s Meaningful Stories creates more realistic emotions by preventing emotions from switching from drastic highs to drastic lows.

In-Game Tutorial: Don’t understand the mod? Don’t worry about it! There will be helpful hints that pop-up whenever something relevant happens.

Already know the mod? Don’t worry. There is a section in the settings to turn off Tutorial Tips.

Sims 4 Meaningful Stories Mod In-Game Tutorial Tips

True Happiness: This feature makes happiness more realistic and the default state is no longer happiness. Sims will feel “truly happy” only after events that are more meaningful.
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(Default: Enabled)

Sims 4 Meaningful Stories True Happiness
From Roburky’s Website

Skill Effectiveness: Happiness is now an emotion that effects skills! When is Sim is happy, the Sim will receive bonuses to how effective they are at the skill.
(Default: Enabled)

Satisfaction: Happy sims over time will gain Satisfaction Points.
(Default: Disabled)

Miscellaneous Adjustments to Mood: There are many different ways that Mood is changed with Meaningful Stories mod. This includes many changes in what Fine means to adjustments on Uncomfortable Moodlets and Passive/Assertive Happiness.

No Happy Environment: Ever find a lamp so majestic that all of your blues go away? Neither have I and with Meaningful Stories, your Sims no longer will either.
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(Default: Enabled)

Variation in Moodlets: There are sometimes stronger moodlets from Emotional Traits. Learn more
(Default: Enabled)

Variable Moodlets Sims 4 Meaningful Stories
From Roburky’s Website

Emotional Inertia: A Sim’s emotional state will be less predictable, in essence, they are more stable.
he emotional inertia feature in Meaningful Stories is an entirely new design when compared with the older stand-alone mod of the same name.
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Meaningful Stories Sims 4 Mod’s Settings

To access the Meaningful Stories mod’s settings, Click on any Sim in the current household, then choose the Roburky menu option. In this menu, there will be options for all the Roburky mods that are currently installed. Click on Meaningful Stories.

Sims 4 Meaningful Stories Menu

Inside this menu, there are options for Mood Settings, Environment Settings, Variable Moodlets Settings, Unofficial Patch Settings, and Tutorial Settings as well as a link to Roburky’s Patreon page.

Sim's 4 Meaningful Stories Mod Settings


Meaningful Stories mod works with both 32-bit Legacy Edition and 64-bit Standard Version.

Before using Meaningful Stories, be sure to uninstall any other Mood-related mods by Roburky

Due to the fact Meaningful Stories has no override files, there are no known conflicts. For more information, visit Roburky’s website.


You can download the Meaningful Stories Mod by clicking the button below! Extract the compressed content to Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder.

Additionally, please note that Meaningful Stories is in active development.

About the author


ThatSimsLady’s love of Sims is only rivaled by her love of grilled cheese. She is a mods addict, a friend to all ducks, and still tries to use The Sims 3 cheat codes in The Sims 4. When she is not playing Sims or writing about Sims, she can be found moderating and providing support on any number of Sims Discord Servers. You could say she eats, sleeps, and breathes Sims.