The Community The Sims 4

WARNING: Take extra caution when reading rumor posts!


You probably read on Sims Community Social about a possible Game Pack called Divine Dining (if not, you can check out the post here).

Obviously, the Game Pack was confirmed as fake by EA, but rumors like these always bring false hope to Simmers who are looking forward to content like this.

I’d just like to let everyone know who got upset by this fake rumor that someone had clear intention to create this kind of rumor. The person created his account and just a few minutes after, the rumor was posted. After doing some research, it turned out that the IP of the Divine Dining poster is the same person who wanted to start the Star Wars Stuff Pack rumor.


I don’t want to shoot the messenger for doing this (I honestly don’t know who the person behind these accounts is), but I would like to let everyone know to take extra caution when reading rumor posts like these. Until we confirm the validity of the rumor that was either posted on our site or sent to us, don’t raise your hopes.

I know that The Sims news drought is affecting a lot of simmers, but please stay patient just a little bit more, November is just a few days away, and that’s when real news should start flowing (Get Together news). Until then, make sure you join the latest Halloween Challenge created by The Sims Team! There are 3 new objects to earn!

Happy simming!

– Jovan, SC founder

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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