Get Together FREE Update
Crinrict attended a Get Together event in Germany, and with some info about Get Together that she brought (that you can see here), she also shared some juicy new info about what should we expect in the upcoming Update that should release sometime before Get Together, which is due Dec 8 in US.
There’s a few things coming with the patch itself. This means you won’t need to buy the expansion pack to get these, just update your game.
Lot Type: Pool
2 of 6 pool colors (not 100% sure)
GUI and map changes
The existing groups and their behavior was revamped and improved
New interaction on the fridge and bar: Hire Caterer
Some new greetings
Several bug fixes (details unknown)
Map view
- Buttons that were in the pop-up menu at the same spot have been moved to the lower right
- Household manager has a new icon
- Household manager icon can also be found next to the family in the lower left corner
- I think change lot type was removed from map view
Live Mode
- Conversation window at the top has been revamp
- Screenshot manager, settings for video and photo can now be found next to the speed buttons
- Easy switch from Sims 3 to Sims 4 camera mode and back in the upper right corner added
- Button for clubs added to the lower right corner
Pool lot, pool colors, some new things (SimowyGostek, polish fan, said “in game, there were two new shirts, that weren’t with GT icon, so maybe they will be released for free in December), new greetings, colorful map. That’s what I wanted !
I can’t wait till you have an update that opens up the world so you can visit locally with out a loading screen…. like just the local area will do … preferable the whole town….
It’s pretty a noting walking across the rd to the park and it’s loading.
If I can walk there…..
And my sims legs are tired of walking off screen
The loading screens are all there as normal, it’s only the colourful map view that’s changes 🙂
I love it.