Challenges The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4: Designer’s Challenge


Join us in a design challenge! 

house1 house2

Do you love to design but get stumped trying to build?  Do you want to challenge yourself to decorate a lot that is outside your usual style?  Do you have an amazing build that you want to share and see how others decorate?  Then this is the challenge for you!

We are looking for Simmers to decorate our house shells and donate their house shells for others to use.


1 – No changing the outside structure of the builds.  You can do whatever you want to the interiors and landscaping.  You can also change the exterior wall colors and windows/doors of the build.  You just cannot change the overall outside structure.  Demolishing interior walls and rearranging rooms is allowed.

2 – Custom content is allowed in both the builds and in your house shell donations.  If your donation includes any CC then please provide a link to those items.

3 – As soon as we get more entries, then they will be put up to a public vote and the winner gets…..bragging rights!

Come to the forum and join us for some creative fun!

Designer’s Challenge Forum Thread

About the author


I’m Tatiana AKA HarmonySims/Simlish and Dreams on Tumblr. I’ve always been interested in graphic design, photography, and computers. I played Sims Freeplay for years before discovering Sims 3. An obsession was born when I pushed myself to become a better builder and learned how to make CC and mods for Sims 4.

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9 years ago

I would love to both redesign someone else’s house and share a house shell! When is the last day to post an entry? 🙂