The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Mods

A Modder has successfully made a Chemistry System for The Sims 4

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Remember the good old days when some Sims just didn’t have that spark? Yup, The Sims 2 Nightlife’s introduction of attraction has changed the difficulty of The Sims 2 for good. In case you don’t remember what the attraction system did, it basically wouldn’t allow just any Sim to fall in love or become friends with another Sim – at least not easily. Sims with a good attraction level could fall in love or become friends almost instantly, but Sims who are not attracted to each other would put you through hell if you persisted to build a relationship between them. The attraction system was based on your Sim’s turn-ons and turn-offs, as well as their interests. This was a feature that many wanted for The Sims 4, and now a modder is working towards making this feature a reality.

Thepancake1 (also known as Theo Jabalde), the modder who brought you The Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod is now working on a new project – the Chemistry System for The Sims 4! In a video below he explains the functionality of this mod, as well as shows off the process of building relationships between various Sims with this mod.

There still isn’t a release date for this Mod but stay tuned to our website as we’ll make sure to let you know as soon as it’s available for the public.

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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6 years ago

Wow this is exactly what I wanted! Can’t wait! I would support on patreon too if I can!

6 years ago

I miss also reputation system in sims4, hopefully someone will make mod if we won’t get it in any game pack

4 years ago

I miss also reputation system in sims4, hopefully someone will make mod if we won’t get it in any game pack

4 years ago

Wow this is exactly what I wanted! Can’t wait! I would support on patreon too if I can!