High School Years The Sims 4 Mods

Modder Unlocks High Schools for other Worlds in The Sims 4


And it’s only been 2 hours since the Pack came out!

Some good news today!

Modder Zerbu has promised just last week to bring Editable High Schools for other Worlds after the release of The Sims 4 High School Years!


Fast forward to today, just 2 and a half hours after the release of the Sims 4 High School Years, we have an already updated mod.

The Sims 4 Mod Venue Changes is a Mod that accompanies many upgrades to previous The Sims 4 Venue limitations. Now updated with High School Years!

Check out what’s new and included:

This mod alters which venues are available when building in The Sims 4.

  • Makes modded venue types available.
  • Makes world-specific venue types available in all worlds.
  • Allows you to change the type of special lots like Chalet Gardens and Myshuno Meadows.

High School Years Update

With the release of High School Years, Venue Changes lets you change the locations of the High School and Auditorium to different lots. This is simple to do:

  • Edit the lot you want to turn into a High School (or Auditorium). Build the lot or place one from the gallery, then set the lot type to High School or Auditorium.
  • Edit the original High School (or Auditorium) and change the lot type to something different. This will ensure Sims are only ever sent to the new high school lot, never the original.

PLEASE NOTE: This only changes the location of the school event. It is not currently possible to change the location of the festivals – those will always take place in the open area behind the original lot.

Currently, the mod is only designed for one High School and Auditorium per save. If you have multiple, the game will just select a random one every time it sends you. This is why it’s so important to change the lot types of the original lots!

In addition to making it possible to move the High School and Auditorium, this update also enables those lots for club gatherings!

Known Issues

  • If you don’t have certain packs installed, there will be venues with blank text on the list. These can be safely ignored, they shouldn’t cause problems as long as you don’t set any lots to them.

Are you ready to try it out yourself? Get The Sims 4 Mod Venue Changes by pressing the download button below!

Stay up to date on The Sims 4 Mod News and let us know what you think of the Mod update!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!