The Sims 4 Guides

Frisky Sims 4 WooHoo Locations from Every Pack!


Spice up your Sims’ WooHoo life with these frisky WooHoo spots!

Get ready to spice up your Sims’ WooHoo lives with some new Sims 4 WooHoo locations! WooHoo has been a feature in The Sims since the first game. Many players will recall the infamous Heart Shaped Bed from The Sims Livin’ It Up that was one of the first ways your Sims could WooHoo. Throughout the game since, The Sims has added a number of different ways that your Sims can WooHoo and The Sims 4 is no exception. This article will show you all the current places/ways that your Sims can WooHoo in The Sims 4.

Did you know that in The Sims 4, there are twenty-five different ways that your Sims can WooHoo?

Sims 4 WooHoo Locations from Every Pack

Double Bed

sims 4 woohoo locations

 Of course, the classic place to WooHoo is a double bed! Just make sure that bedroom door is locked to any unsuspecting Sims who might walk in on more than they wanted to see!

Hot Tub

sims 4 woohoo locations

Hot Tubs initially came with Perfect Patio Stuff, but there is now one in the base game that was added as an anniversary gift for players. Get your freak on in this (literally) steamy WooHoo spot!


sims 4 woohoo locations

You might think the base game observatory is oversized for no good reason but you’d be wrong! It serves a very important purpose; privacy for WooHoo!

Rocket Ship

sims 4 woohoo locations

Ever wanted to know what WooHoo is like in space? Now you can find out for yourself! Send two Sims to the stars and allow magic to happen!

Shower (Discover University)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Players with the Discover University expansion pack will be able to make their Sims’ showers extra steamy with some WooHoo! Provided the shower itself is not an open shower. Sims do need some privacy, y’know!

Closet (Get Together)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Closets came with the Get Together expansion pack and yep, Sims can WooHoo in them! They’re great WooHoo spots for public lots if your Sims are into that.

Bush (Get Together)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Closets are not the only convenient place to WooHoo in public if you have Get Together. Hop into a bush and get it on wherever! You can also use them as a toilet. We, uh… we won’t judge. Much.

Don’t have Get Together? Jungle Adventure and Snowy Escape both also come with a WooHoo bush.

Sleeping Pod (Get Famous)

sims 4 woohoo locations

What do you do when you have more money than sense? Buy ridiculous objects to WooHoo in, obviously! This levitating sleep pod doubles as a WooHoo spot.

Money Vault (Get Famous)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Need a place to store your millions and millions of simoleons? Need a big pile of money to WooHoo in? No problem. The money vault from Get Famous offers both! One of the most private and secure Sims 4 WooHoo locations!

Dumpster (Eco Lifestyle)

sims 4 woohoo locations

And if your Sims aren’t too picky, Eco Lifestyle offers them the chance to WooHoo in a dumpster. Yeah. It’s as gross as it sounds.

Animal Shed (Cottage Living)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Another questionable WooHoo location is the animal shed from Cottage Living. If prickly hay bales and llama poop don’t bother you, why not give it a try? Just make sure any animals are not inside the shed. Don’t traumatise that poor llama for life, please.

Lighthouse (Cats & Dogs)

sims 4 woohoo locations

The lighthouse in Brindleton Bay is located in the Deadgrass Isle neighbourhood. Travel to the nearby museum and head up to the lighthouse for both great views and great WooHoo! This is one of our personal favourite Sims 4 WooHoo locations.

Leaf Pile (Seasons)

sims 4 woohoo locations

What do you do with all those big piles of leaves in the yard every autumn? WooHoo in them, obviously! They make for convenient outdoor Sims 4 WooHoo locations.

Waterfall (Island Living)

sims 4 woohoo locations

The waterfall on the island of Mua Pel’am in Sulani is more than just a beautiful spot for sightseeing and frog catching. It’s also one of the most romantic Sims 4 WooHoo locations!

Hot Spring (Snowy Escape)

sims 4 woohoo locations

The other guests at the onsen might not be too pleased by your inappropriate behaviour but you can WooHoo in a hot spring! At least clean it before you leave, though. Ewww.

Ice Cave (Snowy Escape)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Looking for some out of the way Sims 4 WooHoo locations? Brave climbers on an excursion to the top of Mt. Komorebi can stop and warm up on the way there with some WooHoo in an ice cave!

Tent (Outdoor Retreat)

sims 4 woohoo locations

What’s a good camping trip without some good tent WooHoo? Cozy up to that special someone in the woods… or on a mountain or at Disney World! Tents also come with Snowy Escape and Star Wars: Journey to Batuu.

Sauna (Spa Day)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Hot tubs, showers, and hot springs not steamy enough for you? Hit up the spa and get your WooHoo on in the sauna! Just don’t stay in there too long or you might never come out!

Coffin (Vampires)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Can’t get enough of strange Sims 4 WooHoo locations? All Sims can WooHoo in a coffin whether they are a vampire or not, but only a vampire can initiate coffin WooHoo. Beware! Good Sims will find the prospect horrifying.

Bat Form (Vampires)

sims 4 woohoo locations

Unlike coffin WooHoo, only vampires can have bat WooHoo because both Sims need to have the Bat Form vampire ability. However, bat WooHoo can be done anywhere, which makes it one of the most convenient Sims 4 Woohoo locations.

Black Spire Dwelling (Star Wars: Journey to Batuu)

sims 4 woohoo locations

If it’s always been your dream to WooHoo at Disney World, you can live out that strange fantasy in The Sims 4! Sort of. Sims can WooHoo in the dwelling building of Black Spire Outpost in Batuu.

Photo Booth (High School Years)

Sims 4 Photo Booth WooHoo

Photo booths come with High School Years and they’re a great way to make memories… in multiple ways. If you catch my drift. Wink wink.

Carnival Rides (High School Years)

Sims 4 Carnival Ride WooHoo

There are actually three Sims 4 WooHoo locations in this area but they are all carnival rides so we’re going to cover them all in one. Plumbite Cove in Copperdale has a carnival on the pier Sims can visit. There are three rides Sims can go on; the ferris wheel, the tunnel of love, and the haunted house. All of these rides are Sims 4 WooHoo locations! Just be aware your Sims could get caught and end up banned from the ride.

Treehouse WooHoo (Growing Together)

The 13th Expansion Pack – The Sims 4 Growing Together – comes with a brand new spot for your sims to be frisky. After building a Treehouse, your Sims will be able to play around and have WooHoo in it!

Sims 4 Treehouse WooHoo

If you liked our Sims 4 WooHoo locations article, why not check out our Sims 4 Death Types article, too?

This article was updated by SnarkyWitch!

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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3 years ago

Unfortunately, shower woohoo is not available in base game, it comes only with discover university.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lilli

The post has been updated and now displays the correct information.