New Content and Bug Fixes have just been released with the latest Sims 4 SDX! Check out what’s new.
Maxis has released a second SDX drop this month for The Sims 4. In case you don’t know, SDX stands for Sims Delivery Express, which count as small updates for the game.
Today the team will be releasing new hairstyles, collaboration with Mass Effect, new music and bug fixes!
ARTICLE UPDATE: The Sims Direct Team just confirmed the tuning fix for Sims being autonomously mean won’t be coming in today’s SDX drop. Even after announcing yesterday that it will be fixed.

Simmers, our tuning fix for overly aggressive/mean Sims was intended to come out today however the fix will be delayed to early December. We sincerely apologize for the delay.
Through Sims Delivery Express you are able to download new Create A Sim Content, Build Mode Content and small bug fixes and improvements into your game straight through The Sims 4. Simply open up The Sims 4 and your game should automatically check for new content.
If not, go into Game Options > Sims Delivery and Check for new Content. This method of bringing new content into your game works both on PC and Consoles! Note that you will have to restart your game in order to obtain new content. You can select “Yes, Restart Now” for the game to restart automatically for you.

November 17th, 2022 SDX Drop
New Hairstyles
Bantu knots and two strand twists are now available in The Sims 4! Done in collaboration with DeeSims.

New Facial Hairs – Mustaches!

In-Game Previews of New Facial Hair

Mass Effect CAS Content
There’s new Create A Sim content added with the latest drop. Done in collaboration with Bioware, the new Mass Effect CAS Content comes with:
- Two New Hats
- Two N7 Tattoos – Arm and Back
- Two New Tops

Even more Tattoos!

Each N7 Shirt also comes with Neutral Swatches!

EA Sports Advertisement Tshirt.
EA Sports Advertisement Tshirt.

New Pop Song
Find Anitta’s “Practice” now in Simlish! You can listen to the tune in the Game Options > Music > Pop Radio.

What are your thoughts on the new SDX drop?