Sims 4 Teen Mods: The Ultimate High School Experience Awaits!
If you don’t have the High School Years expansion pack, teen life in the Sims 4 can be, well, kinda basic. Don’t worry though, we got you! We’ve scoured the Internet to bring you the list of Sims 4 Teen Mods that will actually improve your Sims gameplay!
These mods are like cheat codes you didn’t know you needed. Think of turning that boring high school experience into a rollercoaster of drama, romance, and fun after school activities! From prom nights to part-time jobs, we’ve got it all covered. So, if you’re looking to add some extra spice to your Sim teenager’s life, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into the amazing world of Sims 4 Teen Mods!
How to Install Sims 4 Teen Mods:
Okay, we hear you—mods can be a little intimidating, especially if you’re new to the game. So we prepared a short guide for all our new Simmers on how to install these Sims 4 Teen Mods:
- Download the mod.
- Once downloaded, unzip the zipped file or paste the .package.
- Copy the mod file and paste it to the mod’s directory located at “[Drive Name]:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. For Mac, move the unzipped file to “Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods”.
- Restart the game and enjoy your new content!
TIP: If you can’t find the Mods folder in your Documents, simply create one with the same name.
Are Sims 4 Teen Mods Really Worth It?
The short answer is, yes. Why? Because regular high school is so last year. First off, let’s talk about why you might even consider downloading the Sims 4 Teen Mods. One word: realism. Because let’s get real, who wouldn’t want their Sim’s high school experience to be as real as possible?
Apart from that, we have game enhancement. The base game is great and everything, but after a while it can get repetitive. That’s where these mods come in! They’ll add layers of fun to your gameplay by deepening your Sim’s teen life, without you having to purchase another pack. We’re sure these mods will keep you glued to your screen, so don’t be shocked when you find yourself caring about your Sim’s grades or whether they’ll make the cut for the school soccer team.
So, are teen mods worth it? In a word, absolutely. They add depth, realism, and a dash of chaos to your Sim’s teen years. But to add even more of a realistic teenager vibe, check out our Teen Style Custom Stuff Pack Review!

The Best Sims 4 Teen Mods You Must Try!
List of Sims 4 Teen Mods
So you’re sold on the idea of teen Mods, but you’re probably wondering “Where do I start?” Well, that’s what this list is for. We’ve done our homework (so your Sims don’t have to—just kidding, they totally still do) and gathered a list of the absolute must-try Sims 4 Teen Mods! Buckle up, because we’re about to show you how to give your Sim the true teenage dream they deserve!
1. Sleep In Mod by Little Miss Sam

Ever found yourself yelling at your screen because your teen Sim is up at 6 am on a weekend? It’s like what’s so important they have to do that early in the morning? Yeah we’ve all been there, so that’s why we’re starting this Sims 4 Teen Mods list with Sleep In by Little Miss Sam.
This mod will let your teen and child Sims hit the snooze button on comfy weekends and school holidays! No more 6 a.m. wake-up calls, they’re gonna be asleep until something—or someone, wakes them up. And don’t worry, on school days, their schedule will be good as always, so no missing the school bus!
Apart from teens, this mod also acts as an add-on for Sims who are either unemployed or self-employed. Now, they too can enjoy the luxury of sleeping in until they’re good and ready to face the day.

Sleep In Mod is available to download on CurseForge for FREE!
2. University for Teens by Tecnic

Ever wondered what it’s like to be the high school genius? If so, it’s maybe time to fast-track your teen Sims to university life! The “University for Teens” mod allows any teen Sim to enroll in college, regardless of their age. This is one of the most interesting Sims 4 Teen mods on this list, as it allows your intellectually gifted teens to study alongside Sims of similar intelligence. As a result, dedicated teen Sims can fast-track their education and make quicker progress toward their future careers.
In addition, your teen Sims will be also able to help with university homework, join sports teams and even participate in e-sports! To use, simply apply to universities via the mailbox and enroll just like you would with an adult Sim. So say goodbye to high school and let your Sim jump on the train straight to college!

University for Teens is available for download on Mod The Sims for FREE.
3. Pre-Teen Mod by It’s Katato

This is one of the best Sims 4 Teen mods hands down! The Sims 4 Preteen Mod introduces a new life stage to bridge the gap between childhood and teenage years. A mean, a whole new stage! How better can it get?
This is the rundown of the mod: when your Sim child ages up, they’ll automatically gain a pre-teen trait, enroll in middle school, and become shorter. The mod also adds frequent mood phases and voice cracks to mimic real pre-adolescence. Talk about realism!
Also to help pre-teens out a bit, a simple hygiene system is included, offering options like having lotions and body spray which have various effects. One of the best things about this mod is that it gets frequently updated, making it a must-have in your game!

Pre-teen Mod is available for download on It’s Katato’s Website for FREE.
4. Teen Exclusive Traits by Triplis Sims 4 Mods

The world of teens and adults in the Sims is completely different, EA seems to forget that sometimes. That’s why these Sims 4 Teen Mods are here, and this one is no exception, offering traits exclusively designed for your teen Sims.
Say goodbye to all the generic personalities and say hello to a range of unique traits that cover the whole teen spectrum—from perfectionists and punks to band geeks and class flirts. These mods are sure to give your teen Sim the individuality factor they deserve! Set your teens apart from their adult counterparts and add more depth to your gameplay today!

Teen Exclusive Traits Mod is available for download on Sim File Share for FREE.
5. More Best Friends by Little Miss Sam

Navigating friendships during teen years can be the toughest thing ever. One minute you’re BFFs, and the next, you’re not even speaking to them. That’s why LittleMsSam’s Best Friends mod is a fantastic addition to your collection of Sims 4 Teen Mods. While it’s not exclusively for teens, it adds that layer of realism to your Sim teen’s social live.
This mod does exactly what you’d expect—it lets your Sim have more than just one BFF. This means your teen Sims can juggle multiple close friendships without having to give anyone the boot. It’s a great feature that makes managing friendships in your teen Sims’ lives feel more authentic.

More Best Friends Mod is available for download on Little Miss Sam’s Tumblr for FREE.
6. Teen Lifestyle Mod by Snowiii95

Ever felt like your teen Sims are just lacking that teenage spark? Well, you’re not alone. Snowiii95 felt that vibe and decided to do something about it. Thus, we’re adding their Teen Lifestyle Mod to our Sims 4 Teen Mods List.
First up, this mod is packed with a lot of goodies. We’re talking fresh aspirations like Emo Soul and Heartbreaker (because as we remember it, high school was all about the drama). Additionally, there are two new careers— the Tutor and the Cheerleader.
From Band Nerd to Prankster, your Sims aspirations will be getting a whole lot more interesting. This mod introduces 8 brand new traits, specifically made for teens! And the cherry on top? Each trait comes with its own unique social interactions.

Teen Lifestyle Mod is available for download on Snowiii95’s Patreon for FREE.
7. Shorter Teens Mod by MenaceMan44

We’ve always been kind of low-key annoyed that our teen Sims look like they could be paying a mortgage. I mean seriously, why do they go overnight from cartoons to job interviews? Well, if we’re in the same boat, we have some good news for you! There’s a mod that will be able to solve this height dilemma and make your teen Sims actually look like teens.
So, what’s the 411? This is one of those Sims 4 Teen Mods that’s all about adding a touch of realism to your game. It’s designed to auto-adjust your teen Sims’ height—meaning you won’t have to do any of the work. Just create or age up a teen Sim, and they’ll automatically be shorter than adults. And no need to stress about leaving them at that hight, they’ll grow back to adult height as soon as they age up!

Shorter Teens Mod is available for download on Mod The Sims for FREE.
8. Online Learning System by Little Miss Sam

Ready to level up your Sims’ skills game without even leaving the house? Then say hello to the Online Learning System mod, one of the coolest Sims 4 teen mods out there! This mod lets your Sims learn up to 41 different skills from their PC, tablet, or phone. The process is pretty easy, your Sim just needs to register for a small fee and voila, they’re good to go!
So here’s how it works: Once registered, your Sims can study for 60 Sim minutes, with a skill gain rate set at 1.5. Just keep in mind that this can vary depending on traits and other buffs. One cool thing about this mod is that it pairs up really well with the Parenting Skill for Teens Mod, adding even more layers to it!

Online Learning System is available for download on Little Miss Sam’s Tumblr for FREE.
9. Parenting Skill for Teens by Zafisims

Speaking of which, the next one on this Sims 4 Teen Mods list is the Parenting Skill for Teens mod. Ever felt like your teen Sims should be more responsible, especially when they have younger siblings running around? Well, your wish is this mod’s command! We’ve got something that’s going to make your Sims 4 Teen Mods collection even more awesome!
Introducing the Teen Parenting Skill mod, a game-changer that allows your teen Sims to acquire parenting skills. Now, your teens can be more than just homework-doing, mood-swinging high schoolers; they can also be responsible caregivers as well. From forcing their younger siblings to do homework to disciplining them for recent behavior, this mod lets your teens do it all. It’s like a parenting trial run before they hit adulthood.

Parenting Skills for Teens Mod is available for download on Mod The Sims for FREE.
10. Obsessive Teen Mod by Ozzy

If you’ve ever wanted to capture that quirky teen essence in your Sim, then you’re in for a treat. We present to you the Obsessive Teen Mod, a mod certain to enhance your teen Sims gameplay! This is one of those Sims 4 teen mods that brings high school stereotypes to life with 10 new interactions. That can by the way be performed on various objects like benches, armchairs, and even on your Sim’s crush!
Want to be a selfie king or queen? Buy a selfie stick and snap to boost social skills and fun. If you’re more of a foodie, the “Eat A Burger Babe” interaction will fill you right up. The list of interactions goes on, but that’s not all. This mod also includes a “FaceTime Interaction” for stronger teen friendships and a “Pout and Soothe” interaction for those moody teen moments. Each interaction fulfils different needs, making your Sim’s life more balanced and way more entertaining.

Obsessive Teen Mod is available for download on Ozzy’s Patreon for FREE.
11. Teen Runaway Mod by Wicked Pixxel

This one will really kick things up! The “Runaway Teen” mod adds a new layer of emotional complexity, making it a standout automatically in Sims 4 teen mods. With this mod, your teen Sims can plan their escape from home, complete with a “Troubled Teen” trait and a Street Survival Skill to help them navigate life on the streets.
Starting the runaway plan is simple, just click on your teen Sim and select “Start Runaway Plan” option, which unlocks a new social menu and interactions. These interactions will help build the Street Survival Skill, which will be necessary because life on the streets won’t be easy!
Your Sim might fail at begging for food or money, resulting in different downfalls. Kind-hearted Sims might offer some fruit, while others might give a random amount of money. So, if you’re looking to add more challenge and depth to your game, this mod is a must-add to your Sims 4 teen mods collection!

Teen Runaway mod is available for download on Wicked Pixxel’s Patreon for FREE.
12. Delinquent Teens Mod by A Deep Indigo

Since we’re on the troubled Sims 4 teen mods wagon, might as well include this one. Not only can your Sims run away, but they can now also engage in rebellious activities—both legal and not-so-legal. Just don’t forget, all actions have consequences! So make sure you Sim teen knows that.
The mod introduces a “Teenage Miscreants Scenario” and a “Teen Runaway Rabbithole,” along with a system for getting caught and paying up. Depending on what your Sim gets caught doing—be it pranking at school or tagging a building—they could face a range of consequences. These might include in-school suspensions, warnings, community service, or a trip to juvenile hall.
Compatibility-wise, this mod is base game friendly, but for the best experience, it’s recommended to have Parenthood, City Living, Get Together, and High School Years packs. If you don’t have these packs or certain other Sims 4 Teen Mods, your Sim simply won’t have those specific interactions.

Delinquent Teens Mod is available for download on A Deep Indigo’s website for FREE.
13. Keep Childhood Skills Mod by PBHiccup

One of the things that don’t make sense in the game is losing your skills as a child Sims, am I right? Like, why even bother getting to level 7 in Motor Skills if it’s gonna vanish upon hitting teen years? Well, guess what? This is one of those Sims 4 Teen Mods that’s got your back. With this mod when your Sim kids age up, those hard-earned skills won’t just disappear. They’ll actually level up into something useful.
Here’s the tea: When your Sim kids age up to a teen, their skills will evolve too. So, that Creativity Skill they’ve been working on? It turns into the Painting Skill. Those Motor Skills? Say hello to Fitness. Mental Skills turn into Logic, and Social Skills become Charisma. Trust us when we say, it’s way better than starting from scratch!
So, if you’re tired of feeling like your Sims’ childhood is just a skills waste, this mod is perfect for you. It’s like your Sim’s childhood grind sets them up for teen success, making it a super cool addition to your Sims 4 Teen Mods lineup.

Keep Childhood Skills Mod is available for download on The Sims 4 Updates for FREE.
14. Prom Night Event by KawaiiStacei

This is one of those Sims 4 Teen Mods that let you skip out on buying the High School Years pack, by adding the prom event to your base game! You can choose to either go with a date or solo, making it a night full of memories. Although currently not available, we’re expecting it to come back soon.
Once the mod is installed, your Sim will have the option to attend prom and there will be goals to complete with your prom date, but it’s also cool if you just wanna mingle with your classmates. So, if you’re looking to add some high school milestones to your Sims’ lives, this prom mod is a fabulous addition. Get those fancy outfits ready and hit the dance floor!

Prom Event Mod is available for download on The Sims 4 Updates for FREE.
15. Dynamic Teen Life by A Deep Indigo

Out of all the Sims 4 Teen Mods, this one carries the customisation to the win! If you’re looking to add some serious drama and depth to your Sim teens’ lives, you’ve got to check this one out. With this mod, you can pick and choose from one core and nine modules to customise your gameplay.
Want to focus on emotions and mental health? There’s a module for that. More into after-school clubs and activities? Don’t worry, this mod has it. It also features “The Romantic Life” module where from now on, your Sim teens have to ask for parental permission to date…talk about awkward! Plus, the Social Groups feature is like the cherry on top. Your Sim will be sorted into cliques, making your Sim’s high school experience as legit as possible.
Personally this is one of my favourite Sims 4 Teen Mods, because it gives your teen Sim an actual teenager life. Your Sim can get invited to everything from bonfire parties to sleepover events. And if you’re looking to do even more, the New Activities module offers a range of clubs for your Sim to join. Oh, and for those of you who love a little gossip, you can now spill the tea about your classmates. Talk about the true high school experience!

Dynamic Teen Life Mod is available for download on A Deep Indigo’s website for FREE.
16. Drop Out of High School and Get a Real Job by Telford

Just when you thought the Sims 4 Teen Mods couldn’t get any cooler, our Sims Community never ceases to amaze us! Now with this mod, your Sim teens can now drop out of high school and jump straight into adulting!
Let’s talk about the High School Dropout method. You can now safely let your Sim quit high school without causing any errors to your game. Your teen Sim can either use their phone to quit high school or you can use the cheat careers.remove_career highschool
. It’s that simple!
The best part is that now your teen Sims can dive into careers and true adult lives. Whether it’s the base game careers or the specialized jobs from the Get to Work and City Living expansions, your teen Sims can now experience the grind just like the adults.

Drop Out of High School and Get a Real Job Mod is available for download on Mod The Sims for FREE.
17. Teen Aspirations Bundle by IlkaSimming

One of the more popular Sims 4 Teen Mods, we present to you the Teen Aspirations Bundle! As you know, in High School Years teens get a new set of aspirations. Now our Sim teens can aspire to be more than just “good students” or “party animals.” With Ilka’s mod, you can choose from four new aspirations that are all base game compatible! Whether your Sim is aiming to be Prom Royalty or an Overachiever, these aspirations come with a set of objectives that’ll bump up your game to a whole new level.
It doesn’t end there though! If your Sim is all about that independent life, the “Towards Independence” aspiration will be perfect for you. Your Sim can start with basic tasks like cooking and cleaning, and eventually move out to live on their own. And for those who like to walk on the wild side, but didn’t like the other rebellious Sims 4 Teen Mods, the “Teenage Rebellion” aspiration is where it’s at. From arguing with parents to resulting in some not-so-legal activities, this aspiration is all about pushing boundaries.
Whether they’re climbing the social ladder to become Prom Royalty or embracing their rebellious side, these new aspirations make your Sims teen years way more interesting. So go ahead, pick an aspiration and broaden your teen Sims experience!

Teen Aspiration Bundle Mod is available for download on IlkaSimming’s website for FREE.
18. Education Overhaul by A Deep Indigo

Another one from the guru of Sims 4 Teen Mods, we present to you The Education Overhaul Mod by A Deep Indigo. If you’re looking to give your Sim’s educational journey a serious upgrade, you’ve got to check this mod out. We’re not talking about just a few tweaks here and there, we’re talking a full-blown rebrand of the entire Sims 4 education system!
From preschool for your toddlers to new career paths for Young Adults, this mod has got it all. Toddlers can now attend preschool from Monday to Friday, where they’ll develop essential skills and character values. But the real stars of this mod are the teens. They get a ton of new options like in-school interactions, field trips, and even the dreaded return of detention and military school. Yep, it’s like the Sims 4 Teen Mods just got a Ph.D. in awesomeness!
So, if you’re ready to take your Sim’s education to the next level, this Sims 4 Teen Mods addition is a must-have. Just make sure to read the mod description and installation instructions carefully to get the best experience.
Need an outfit for the new school year? Check out our Sims 4 School CC Shopping Guide!

Education Overhaul Mod is available for download on A Deep Indigo’s website for FREE.
19. Let Friends Age Up by Little Miss Sam

Here’s one more relatable struggle in the Sims world—keeping your Sim’s social circle age-appropriate. I mean, how many times have you had a teen Sim who’s BFFs are still running around in diapers? Or maybe your Sim is ready to take on the world, but their childhood friends are, well, still children. But don’t worry, Little Miss Sam’s got our backs when it comes to Sims 4 Teen Mods!
This mod is a lifesaver for those of us who value our Sims’ relationships and want to keep their social lives. While it’s not exclusively for teens, it’s a game-changer for them. Let’s face it, teens are a rare breed in the Sims 4, and finding friends their own age can be a mission. With this mod, you can age up a bunch of Sims to join your teen Sim’s friend circle!

Let Friends Age Up Mod is available for download on Little Miss Sam’s Tumblr for FREE.
20. Summer Camps by A Deep Indigo

Okay, last one from A Deep Indigo, but we can’t help to love their Sims 4 Teen Mods! If you’ve been searching for the perfect way to keep your teen Sims (and their younger siblings) busy during summer days, look no further. We’ve got the scoop on one of the coolest Sims 4 Teen Mods that’ll turn your Sim’s summer into an unforgettable adventure—we’re talking Summer Camps!
Picture this: It’s summer, school’s out, and your Sim teen is already bored. Enter Summer Camps, a mod that offers 11 different camps to choose from, each designed to boost your Sim’s skills and character values. Whether your Sim is a budding scientist, a theater kid, or an aspiring athlete, there’s a camp that’s just right for them. And the best part? Signing up is a breeze! Just use the phone or computer, and voila, your Sim is all set for a summer of fun.

Summer Camps Mod is available for download on A Deep Indigo’s website for FREE.
Why These Sims 4 Teen Mods Are Game-Changers
That’s it, we came to an end of our Sims 4 Teen Mods list. The Sims 4 is already a game that offers a wide range of possibilities, but these Sims 4 Teen mods take it to a whole new level. From managing your Sims’ education and career paths to moods and aspirations that shape the teenage years, these mods provide a layer of complexity that the base game alone can’t offer. They allow you to tailor your Sims’ lives in ways that make the game feel more dynamic, more challenging, and ultimately more rewarding.
Whether it’s sending your Sims to summer camp, allowing teens to acquire parenting skills, or even something as simple as sleeping in, these Sims 4 Teen Mods are here to make life of a Sims teenager, well, feel like a teenager. So if you’re looking to breathe new life into your teen Sims, these Sims 4 Teen mods are a great place to start!
If you’re interested in more Sims 4 Teen Mods, check out our best mods for the ultimate high school experience!